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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Devin Nunes assails Democrats at Mueller hearing: They 'colluded with Russian sources'

Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, assailed his Democratic colleagues during Robert Mueller's second and final hearing of the day for what he said was their role in fostering the spread of British ex-spy Christopher Steele's unverified anti-Trump dossier.

Heralding the hearing as the "last gasp of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory," Nunes said in his opening remarks that Democrats were complicit in running a "Russia hoax" with the media to damage President Trump's reputation. At the same time, Nunes said the Democrats have "brazenly" ignored "red flags as well as the transparent absurdity of the claims they are making" to argue for "nearly three years that evidence of collusion is hidden just around the corner. Like the Loch Ness Monster, they insist it’s there even if no one can find it."

The California Republican said that for congressional Democrats, "the Russia investigation was never about finding the truth. It’s always been a simple media operation, and by their own accounts, that operation continues in this room today."



  1. The Dems will never be happy and will harness President Trump as long as he serves as our President.

  2. It doesn't matter to the Dems as long as it isn't a non-politician. Says something about politicians - Dem politicians are not for the American people.


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