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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Committee member to Mueller: There's 'almost' nothing in Volume 2 I wouldn't have seen on cable

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko said that the second volume of the Mueller report was filled with news stories that she could've seen on cable news as she questioned the former special counsel during his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning.

Mueller was testifying about his two-year-long investigation into whether or not the president or his campaign knowing conspired with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. The special counsel's office did not determine if the president obstructed justice, citing the Department of Justice's guideline that a sitting president cannot be indicted, but the second section of his report focused on 10 instances in which Trump may have done so.

Lesko questioned Mueller about the second volume of the report.



  1. The second volume of the Mueller report was a last ditch effort to tarnish President Trump after the "Russian Collusion" accusation by the Hillary Clinton campaign failed.
    Those that attempted this coup should be arrested and tried in court and if found guilty, they should be sentenced to the maximum penalty!

    1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEJuly 24, 2019 at 9:25 PM


      MUELLER should be charged with TREASON

      Weisman orchestrated all these lies on President Trump

      he too....needs to be charged

  2. They said on congress floor that he was an agent of Russia. Zero truth. So now it’s obstruction ??? Because he openly defended himself??! Noooo they picked the wrong billionaire I think.

  3. God bless America and God bless President Trump...


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