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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Here's who Democrats are praising when they praise Al Sharpton

In the past few days, Democrats have lined up to praise the legacy of Al Sharpton.

Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden called him a "champion in the fight for civil rights." Sen. Elizabeth Warren declared he "has dedicated his life to the fight for justice for all." Sen. Kamala Harris said Sharpton "has spent his life fighting for what's right and working to improve our nation, even in the face of hate."

For those who were too young or who grew up outside of the New York area, Sharpton may be just a standard issue liberal activist or goofy television personality. But in reality, Sharpton is much more sinister than that: he is a vile Jew hater with blood on his hands.



  1. He should be in prison for non payment of taxes. You can call me racist but a white man would not have gotten away with it this long.

  2. sharptons a liar as are all democrats. everyone who is honest will admit the President was referring to rodents and not humans when he called Baltimore rat infested. Of course sharpton and the democrats are saying he was calling the people rats. this is how democrats are. there isn't an honest one alive. all democrats are liars. none alive have ever had an honest person in their lives because good moral honest people do not raise a democrats. Only trash raises democrats.

  3. Here's WHO > The DEVIL !!!

    1. Preach, "Sweet One," Preach!

  4. Why isn't he in prison for tax evasion.

  5. Demon-crats Protect him, just like the other criminals they

    Protect , ie Hillary Comey Clapper Lynch Schumer
    Schiff Nadler Cummings Pelosi Shumer !!
    Obama AOC Fab 4


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