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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Video: Virginia delegate disrupts Trump speech at Jamestown

A Virginia delegate disrupted President Donald Trump’s speech at an event in historic Jamestown commemorating the 400th anniversary of the rise of American democracy.

Del. Ibraheem Samirah (D-Fairfax) stood up and held up signs that read “deport hate” and “reunite my family.”

A third message said “go back to your corrupted home.” Samirah was led out of the speech site as some members of the crowd chanted “Trump, Trump, Trump.”

Samirah said in a Tweet he interupted Trump’s speech “because nobody’s racism and bigotry should be excused for the sake of being polite.” He added, “The man is unfit for office and unfit to partake in a celebration of democracy, representation, and our nation’s history of immigrants.”



  1. “The man is unfit for office..."

    Well, one of you is unfit. It ain't Trump either.



  3. How was it possible for someone with his background to be seated so close to the President?

  4. Samirah, I'm offended by your antics. Regardless of the person, you do not act unprofessionally in front of the President of the USA. That is disrespectful!

    Sound familiar Samirah? Only spewing the same BULLSH*T back at you and your cause. Works both ways my friend. Dish it, but can't take it eh? Well learn to love it for another 5 1/2 years! Keep crying and not paying attention to your constituents....you'll find yourself voted out for doing NOTHING!


  5. Does any of this sound familiar??


    Ibraheem Samirah was born in Chicago, a second-generation Palestinian American whose parents were refugees. His father was separated from the family while Samirah attended middle school when he was barred re-entry into the United States. Samirah lived in Jordan as a teenager before returning to the United States in 2009. He earned a bachelor's degree in political science from American University, where, though Muslim, he was a member of the historically Jewish fraternity Sigma Alpha Mu, attracted by the chapter's progressivism and "respect for diversity". He next earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine at Boston University. While he attended dental school, Samirah was a member of the Students for Justice in Palestine.

  6. This clown has only been in this country for 10 years and he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates?

    WTF are you idiots thinking by voting for someone with a name like the ones that attacked our country on September 11, 2001??

    Wake up you bunch of stupid idiots!

  7. On 9/11 our country was attacked by Osama Bin Laden and his radical Muslim followers.

    Seven short years later you brain dead morons voted for Barack Hussein Obama, and illegal Muslim from Kenya and he ruined our country is 8 years after you morons elected him again.

    Osama Bin Laden
    Barack Hussein Obama

    Do you morons see anything that might remotely throw up a red flag with those Muslim names??

    I am not afraid of Osama, Obama or Ibraheem Samirah. I am very concerned and afraid of the idiots that voted for Obama and Ibraheem!! Who would even go to Ibraheem or anyone with a name like that as their dentist or physician?? Wake up you ignorant miscreants!

  8. We were attacked by Saudi Arabia. Get your facts straight. But at the time every pos PRESIDENT kissed their ASSES. ESPECIALLY BUSH.

  9. And who is pushing thru arms sales to the Saudis?


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