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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The NAACP’s Hateful Call to Impeach the President

At the 110th NAACP annual convention in Detroit, delegates voted unanimously last week to call for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

The NAACP’s official Twitter account announced the news Wednesday, including the hashtag #WhenWeFightWeWin.

Many NAACP members and liberal lawmakers alike are tenacious about the president’s potential impeachment.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., known for her dislike of the president, might be more passionate than anyone else. Standing on stage at the convention, Tlaib stated that she is going “nowhere, not until I impeach this president.”



  1. NAACP is a Racist Organization , so who cares what they
    have to say or do !!! FACT

    Whites should have a NAAWP to represent them !! FACT

  2. Anyone with 2 working brain cells can't take the naacp seriously. Look no further then local low IQ ashanti who once compared American prisons to Nazi concentration camps. Anyone with a brain knows there is no comparison by anyone's stretch of the imagination. ashanti is an example of the ignoramuses attached to the naacp. a bunch of low IQ clowns is all they are. ashanti proved it by her asinine comparison.

  3. Instead , Let's Impeach all the Black Racist in Congress !!!!

  4. If they want a civil race war go ahead.

  5. ANOTHER organization that should be labeled a TERRORIST GROUP.

  6. Ashanti is an ignoramus. She says what she says to whip her her base all of whom are lower IQ then she is. To compare concentration camps to a prison does only prove either you are a liar or you are so incredibly ignorant you have no business even opening your mouth and if you do are to not ever be taken seriously.

  7. Blacks would be crying if the Whites had What They have >

    Affirmative Action !!! Then they would Wine alot more !!


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