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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WATCH: Rep. Jim Jordan’s full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony


  1. Ten thousand thumbs up to senator Jim Jordan!!!!!

  2. It’s obvious that Mr. Mueller isn’t as sharp as he once was. He is a Marine, or was, now aging and not as sharp as he once was. He has been used for his name and assumed respect to pass off this phony inquiry.
    Unfortunately Mueller has been their useful idiot.

  3. Jim Jordan > to Mueller > GOTCHA !!!

    Love it !!!

  4. 852 don't let mueller fool you. he's still as sharp as a tack. he was acting like he did to kill time. each committee member only had 5 mins to question. mueller didn't want to be there. granted it did make him look like a senile confused old man but he knew exactly what he was doing and he didn't care.

  5. After the Dimms epic disaster yesterday, it was quite refreshing to see that across the media fronts, all of the news outlets agreed that the day was a bad one for the Dimms and their last chance to try and do harm to POTUS. From The Hill, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, all agreed (but for differing reasons) that the day was a train wreck, as it did quite a bi o harm totheir 'cause'. Mueller looked totally inept, and several sources have accused him of being nothing more than a figurehead. The damage is done, and I would bet even money AG Barr is about to slam the door on the whole lot of them!

    1. Bring it on, time to pay the Barr tab!

  6. Jim Jordan, complicit in sex crime cover up

  7. @ 9:08

    Exacatly, he was trying to save his own a**. Doesn't care about the damage he did to the democRATS, and I love it! They are turning on each other, stay tuned, more to come after the break!!

  8. There remain ongoing investigations. T Here was so much he could not say

  9. I love Jim Jordan!!


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