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Friday, June 07, 2019

TSA allowing illegal migrants to fly without proper documents

EL PASO, Texas — The federal agency tasked with overseeing security at transportation hubs has been violating its own policy by allowing migrants who have been released from federal custody onto flights despite not having required documents, according to several Department of Homeland Security officials.

For the past six months, the Transportation Security Administration has allowed migrants released from the custody of other Homeland Security agencies to board flights to other parts of the country despite the passengers lacking any of the 15 documents it states are the only acceptable forms of identification.

Since early December, the agency has avoided temporarily changing federal policy and also not introduced a permanent solution to address this new phenomenon, despite no indication border apprehensions and mass releases are slowing down any time soon.



  1. Why people why? You're literally spitting in the face of all those who died protecting the freedoms you liberal jackasses are just handing out

  2. Sick & Tired of these Damn Illegals Getting EVERYTHING !!!

    Send them ALL the HELL BACK !!!! NO Benefits !!!!!!

    Stop waisting American Taxpayer Hard Earned $$$$$$$$

  3. Where's Elijah Cummings action on this issue? His connections with CASA De Maryland through his wife's foundations should be investigated.

  4. Yes, isn't it Nice that OUR Damn Gov't makes US pay $85.00

    for a TSA Pre-check & they are letting Illegals fly Free of
    any frigg'in cks !!!!!

    Hell they even put them in the Front of the line Over & Before
    us TSA Pre-cks !!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. They get Driver license too (Delaware) !!!

    if they hit your car , Oh Well , good luck !!!!!

  6. I'm really starting to believe that real Americans are about to revolt and it ain't gonna be pretty. I think there will be a lot of illegals and liberals lying dead in the streets and the liberal media will very much responsible.

  7. A civil WAR has begun !!!! Non-shooting , but never the less a WAR !!!!

    Real Americans had better wake up !!!!!

  8. Meanwhile, Americans who have not proved who they are through the Real ID program mandated by the Federal government, WILL NOT be allowed to fly. When the hell are we going to put a stop to this crap?


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