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Friday, June 07, 2019

Mexico deploys military to curb migration, reportedly offers major concessions as Trump tariffs loom

With just days to go until the Trump administration is set to impose punishing tariffs on Mexico unless the country halts the unprecedented flow of illegal immigrants across the southern border, numerous signs that Mexico would capitulate emerged Thursday -- but it remained unclear Friday morning whether their efforts would satisfy the White House.

Reports in the evening indicated that Mexico's negotiators with Washington have offered to immediately deploy 6,000 National Guard troops to the border with Guatemala. Additionally, Mexico has reportedly agreed to a major overhaul of reasonable asylum protocols, which would require asylum applicants to seek permanent refuge in the first country they arrive in after fleeing their home countries.

For virtually all Central American migrants, that country would not be the United States. The Trump administration has already begun requiring asylum applicants to wait in Mexico while their claims are processed, saying too many applicants were using the system fraudulently to escape into the country. Last month, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request to stop that practice temporarily.




  1. Turn them back and we can make a deal.

  2. Make them PAY FOR THE WALL too while we are at it !!!

    Simply TAX THE DAMN BOOZE = Paid for in a year !!!

    By M E X I C O !!!! NOT us !!!!!

  3. Yes now that it hurts Mexico's pocketbook , yes, Now we
    have their Attention !!!!

    LOL Make them Pay for the Wall now too !!!!!!! LOL

  4. Mine the damn fence/wall areas & simply put up Warning Signs

    to STAY THE HELL OUT !!! Problem Solved !!!!!

    No wall/fence then needed !!!!!!

    Enter at YOUR OWN FRIGG'IN RISK !!!! = Solved !!!!!!!

    1. Ok, my "Sweet One." Jim Jones, how's the cult recruiting going?

  5. Tax the Beer / Tequila = Fence PAID !!!!

  6. 9:24
    You my friend are a genius.

    Most of us try to figure out a solution to the cause of the migration of massive flows of Central American people to the north and eventually into the wealthiest Country in the world. How does society solve this problem? How can those people be persuaded to remain in the Country of their birth? Many of us realize the root problem is the criminal nature of the Marxist governments who control those Central American Countries. Those evil governments are murdering people, torturing them, and enslaving them. They grab their female girls and send them into sex slavery to be raped. The families are fleeing this situation by running north. Many of these families are preyed upon again by criminal gangs who promise them safe passage to the US. The families give the gangs all of their money and possessions of value in hopes of arriving in the US. How to solve this problem?

    Your solution fixes everything and buttons it up nicely.
    Simply allow the US military to place hidden land mines at the US border and randomly blow the legs off of these family members just as they think they have arrived at paradise. The land of the free. The home of the brave.


  7. NO fool would dare enter a Mine field > Simple FIX & Cheap !!!!


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