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Friday, June 07, 2019

6 more Maryland parents sued in D.C. crackdown on school residency fraud

WASHINGTON — The District of Columbia sued six Maryland parents Thursday, accusing them of lying about their addresses so they could send their children to District schools for free.

The parents, which include three present or former city government employees, are being sued for $320,000 total in three separate civil lawsuits, one for each set of parents, according to the District's Office of the Attorney General.

“When non-residents defraud District taxpayers and take seats in schools from District students, we hold them accountable,” the District's attorney general, Karl Racine, said in a news release.

At least 21 others have been sued last year and earlier this year for the same residency issues and is seeking $2.5 million in unpaid tuition, according to the Attorney General's Office.



  1. EVERYONE should have the Freedom to send their kids

    to any school of THEIR CHOICE in America !!!! All 50 states

    Stop Forced busing / Forced this- Forced That !!!!

  2. 8:28
    They dont' pay taxes in the district so why should other pay for their children's school? How about I send a few kids to your house so you can meet them and you can pay for private school for them.

  3. AS it is now, the whites have to either Pay for private school

    @ $6,000 a year , (most don't have) or send their kids to

    a dirty slum neighborhood , being Forced to do so .

    Or Lie as alot have to do , to get around it !!!!

    Freedom of Choice , even the Blacks agree on, should Be !!!

  4. We ALL pay taxes bro 8:51 Not just You !!!!

  5. 9:46
    You don't pay taxes in all counties. Would you like to pay taxes in DC also? That is the point. The parents are not paying any taxes in that school district but the district is paying to educate their children.

  6. They need to clean up their own schools if they don't like how they are run. The school board work for you, and it is up to everyone in the school districts to make it clear and to remove those who are more concerned with anything but a good education for your children. That includes our local districts!

  7. 9:28
    If you want your child to go to a different school than you move to that school district. You selected the school when you rented/purchased the home you live in. It's a done deal before you get there.

  8. The same thing happens right here! There is and has been so many students at Delmar High School who live in Salisbury. I see them daily traveling up Rt. 13. Of course, given the opportunity to lie or use dead grandma's address to attend Delmar vs. WiHi it's a no brainer...where would you rather have your child go?

    1. Mardela Springs s hook also needs to redo verifications

  9. Why would anyone want to send their kids to a DC school. Really. Now if it is the same schools that our politicians use I can understand why.


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