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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Schumer demands investigation into Tubman $20 delay

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is asking federal investigators to probe why the Trump administration postponed recreating the $20 bill with abolitionist Harriet Tubman on it.

The New York Democrat sent a letter to the inspector general of the Treasury Department on Wednesday, asking investigators to look into why the department canceled plans to replace former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 note in 2020.

The Treasury has pushed back updating the bill until 2028.

"We do not know the real reason for these decisions, but we do know that during his campaign, President Trump referred to efforts to replace President Jackson's likeness on the front of the $20 note as 'pure political correctness,'" Schumer wrote.



  1. Chucky should concentrate on some real work for the entire country instead of pandering to a portion of the voting public to get himself reelected!

    1. Just like bs reperations every 4 years.

  2. Please really this is what he makes millions as a government representative doing I want his job and yes I know his salary isn't in the millions but the fringe benefits of his job has made him millions. Plus who really cares what faces are on paper money most couldn't even tell who is on any money with the exception of good old George on the dollar bill bill.

  3. Tubman was a criminal in that time, so don't Glorify her !!!

    Put Trump on the $20 bill !!!


  4. The $20 bill is fine as it is. It was redesigned recently for enhanced security purposes, as were most other bills.

    Andrew Jackson certainly had some faults, and with 20/20 hindsight we can discuss them. OTOH, he fought in the Revolution as a teen, was a POW and later won the Battle of New Orleans. His was a life with extensive portions devoted to public service.

    Harriett Tubman has been lionized in recent years. Her actions to free herself were courageous, and she did help a number of other slaves to escape. But her actions don't rise to the level that Jackson's do, or of any others on our currency.

    PC or race hustling is the only reason Obama sought to put her on the $20. That is transparent, and in real terms, he insulted her by attempting to make use of her this way.

    Schmuck Tumor; needs no elaboration. Whatever he's against is the most prudent course!

  5. Because no store, or bank wants to be cleaning up vomit every time someone looks at that ugly mug!

    Seriously, there is no other photo they could use?

    1. Yes a thousand times yes that likeness of her is about the ugliest woman I have ever seen

  6. Why should we replace Jackson to honor Tubman! There are other ways, but it is an insult to remove Jackson for Tubman.

  7. Why should there be a reminder of slavery to be carried and handled by all adult Americans on a daily basis? Nobody asked us.

    They'd better print a s***load of $10 bills.

  8. How about we delay the Tubman $20 until the next millennia ?

    1. How about we scrap the whole idea

  9. Just put her likeness on a $1 coin and be done with it.

  10. Pay my share of reparations with an Andrew Jackson $20 bill! Account paid in full!!

  11. How about Quit waisting $$ on making $$$ !!!

  12. Please Chucky, make yourself useful. Get a meals on wheels job or something.

  13. Put her photo on Toilet Paper like the rolls Pres. Trump uses, those have Hillary on them!

  14. I wiped my butt with obama toilet paper a few years back, best feeling ever. The only problem was, the roll didn't last long enough.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: If this comes to pass, I’ll only be accepting 2 $10s from that point onward.


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