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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Biden: Obama ‘Had No Time to Explain the Affordable Care Act’

Joe Biden claimed Monday that former President Barack Obama had "no time to explain the Affordable Care Act" because of the volume of problems he encountered in his presidency.

The former vice president's comments were off the cuff, but they still belied the fact that Obama campaigned for re-election in 2012 on his signature health care law, also known as Obamacare, and held countless town halls and speeches about it before and after its passage in 2010. Those remarks included constant promises that no one would lose their preferred doctor or insurance under the law.



  1. He will have time to explain it at GITMO.

  2. Here's some advise Joe. Stop talking about BO. Your going down the road to nowhere!


  3. He knew, but left it to his congressional underlings to keep its shortcomings a secret and to get it passed without a reading. Thanks, Nancy, for that great leadership. We knew you were sweating inside your Jimmy Choos when you made that announcement before the vote.

  4. You have to pass it to see what is in it. In any other job in the world you would be fired for saying something so stupid yet they voted on it!

  5. Yes ,
    No Time , fearing we would find out what they were
    getting ready to shove down our throats / Behind our backs

    Never even Read yet , but nevertheless still Signed / Appvd

    8 feet deep in paper !!!!,

    Affordable Care to Blacks & the Whites had to Pay for it !!!!

  6. That's Obama's Racist Care Act !!! Fact

    Forcing Whites & Others to Pay / Even taking Tax Refunds

    Limiting work Hours / Work insurance / NO THANKS !!

    Obammma Care is DEAD !!!!! Finally Thank Trump !

  7. Geezus, these guys are pathetic. Always making excuses for the worse administration, and policies in history. Say it Joe, c'mon man! Dip$hit.

  8. Affordable for blacks me the white working Male had my insurance go from $180 a month $1,500 deductible to $560 a month with a $6,200 deductible plan with $1,500 deductible would have cost me over $12,000 a year. Obamacare my azz

  9. He did explain it. He lied

  10. Yeah, Joe...it was a big "f-ing deal as you got caught saying on a hot mike...a big deal that was a catastrophe!


  11. Slow Joe the GaffeMaster got off his leash. Without a memorized or plagiarized talking point to spout, he's screwed relying on whatever spills out. Cartoonists field day!

  12. Joe is spewing more bullsh*t than a manure spreader.

  13. Joe is going to make Trump's off script remarks look plausible. Amazing he is leading the pack and I think the other liberals are befuddled that a whack job can garner so much admiration from the potential voters. Way too funny, the first debate is going to be a hoot and make the GOP debates look tame.

  14. 8:09 He’s leafing the pack because democrat voters have learned nothing over the past 2 years. Anyone that would vote for Biden is a fool. 32 years in office and he hasn’t done crap. But you can’t fix stupid so...

  15. Obamma Careless Care Had to GO OR there would have

    been a RACE WAR in the USA !!! Period !!!!

  16. Whites are > Owed Reparations for Affordable Care Act

    were $$$ was taken from them, to pay for Blacks insurance

    & were insurance at work was taken away from them &
    where work hours were Limited to them because of AFA !!!

  17. And he talked many of his fellow democrat congressmen to vote themselves out of a job by voting for the bill that they didn't have time to even read. Yeah, that glib Kenyan could sell ice cubes to Eskimos. He sure screwed over the Blacks and Democrats that he relied on to get in the White House. Blacks didn't get jobs, they got welfare. His party lost control of congress voting for his policies. And they still support their first half-Black president, like he did something good for his party. He screwed them, that's what he did.

  18. I had time to read the whole thing and shouted from the rooftops against it because it was such a pile of dung.

    If I had time to do it, so did everyone else.



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