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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Late to the party: CNN and MSNBC anchors discover there’s a crisis at the border

The worst thing about the border crisis is knowing that nothing will change. It is too valuable a wedge issue for lawmakers to surrender.

The second worst thing about the crisis is knowing that the national press' outrage and attention will disappear the moment the story ceases to be politically useful. It will be like the Cindy Sheehan episode all over again.

That the immigration crisis is being exploited by lawmakers for political gain has been clear for a while now. That it is also being exploited by members of the press did not become as clear until recently when certain high-profile news anchors flipped from accusing the Trump White House of lying about whether there is a crisis at the border to declaring that there is a crisis at the border and that it is the White House’s fault.


1 comment:

  1. A great scene from Citizen Kane: on election night Kane's paper, knowing he has lost the election because of an affair, runs a headline that says, "FRAUD AT POLLS!"

    MR BOB


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