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Thursday, June 27, 2019

ICE Conducts Criminal Enforcement Operation In Columbia Area

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents Wednesday morning carried out a criminal enforcement operation in the Columbia area, authorities said.

Howard County police spokeswoman Sherry Llewellyn said county police were not involved. However, she said police were notified ICE would be working in the area.

ICE officials declined to go into detail on the operation and did not say how many people were apprehended, but said agents prioritize "unlawfully present aliens" who have been convicted of a crime, have charges pending or are believed to be a national security or public safety threat.

"However, as the agency has made clear, ICE will no longer exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement," ICE spokeswoman Justine M. Whelan said in an email. "All of those in violation of the immigration laws may be subject to immigration arrest, detention and – if found removable by final order – removal from the United States."



  1. Tag em' and bag em'.

  2. Seriously guys, you cheer while these folks are rounded up. By far the vast majority are here for the American dream. You should be calling out for the arrest of the farmers, construction contractors, and other business owners hiring them. Ooops, that means you have to demonize your friends that actually look like you.

    1. 3:52 Oh stuff it. The vast majority may well be coming here for a better life but there are a lot of bad ones coming in to. But what it boils down to is we can’t take care of our own vets, homeless, and elderly. The streets of California are full of shit and homeless drug addicts but you want to open your arms to every illegal coming in here. I say why don’t you take them all in. I already can’t afford health insurance myself but hey you apparently have limitless amounts of money. Good. Ice has a place to send every last one of them. To your house. You sir are definitely a dem and anti American.

  3. Thanks ICE "cuff'em and stuff'em"

  4. I don't have any friends that look like me. Screw em', send em' back.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Appears that a Marxist democrat has invaded your readers comments page. Those to whom such concern is directed, are invaders who have entered our country illegally and should be removed immediately. To them the American dream is soaking up welfare to the tune of about 85% and continuing to be on the public dole forever. I do agree that eliminating the source of employment should be one of the components of our efforts to eradicate our illegal immigration problem,


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