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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Supreme Court blocks citizenship question in 2020 census for now

The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked, for now, the Trump administration's plan to include a question on the 2020 census that inquires about a person’s citizenship status.

The court said the administration's explanation for adding such a question is insufficient and sent it back to the lower courts for further consideration. The ruling marks a setback for the administration, though the issue is not yet resolved.

Still, while further lower-court litigation is possible, it would be very difficult for the administration to get the question on the census in time for the forms to be printed by the government’s own self-declared summer deadline.

The 5-4 court majority raised concerns about the Trump administration’s explanations for their proposal. The ruling, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, said that the court was presented "with an explanation for agency action that is incongruent with what the record reveals about the agency’s priorities and decision making process."




  1. getting to the point that we need a revolution..maybe since it does not matter... maybe the real citizens should stop paying our taxes. we dont apoear to get ANY REPRESENTATION ANYMORE

  2. No increase of tax dollars and benefits to any State then since illegals are not a citizen and does not legally have access to US tax dollars.

  3. Wouldn't that information be important to future historians ?

  4. 1226 clown, I thought you were already rolling out with your AR15 during the previous 8 years of Obama. Sit down internet warrior and save us from your crud.

  5. I HIGHLY recommend, that before anyone get their drawers all twisted up, that they actually READ the ruling by the court.

    I have a feeling that those upset don't understand the ruling or why it went the way it did.

  6. "I have a feeling that those upset don't understand the ruling or why it went the way it did. "

    Par for the course here. Fearmongering and anger based off uninformed opinions.

  7. 1:46 the Liberal clown, I agree with 12:26. I would go one better. I would post the border every 5 miles and gas them as they cross over morning noon and night. The Border would be posted, so they have been warned. Covered legally and they would not be able to sue for liability.

    1. Funny. I said nothing of politics. Calling out the garbage from internet tough guys who have been apouting the same nonsense for a decade. Seems you are in the same camp

  8. What is wrong with the Supreme court. It is a logical question. If you are not an American citizen than what the hell are you doing in America. Plain and simple. Justice Roberts is an Obama lover. What does that tell you.

    1. President Trump needs to kick Ginsberg out

      fill it with conservative Judge


  9. Basically they said Commerce Depts rationale was weak but that they had authority over the Census questions. And they kicked it back to a lower court. So Commerce can make better arguments and prevail there. If so, an appeal will go back to SCOTUS and they can call it for Commerce and the USA.

    The notion of conducting a census without determining who the hell is actually a citizen is laughable.

    Now for some /sarc. Without knowing how many citizens there are how will the reparations levy be calculated? It would be totally unfair to gift all of our illegal aliens with free medical care and then to saddle them with the reparations debt? /sarc

  10. Waiting patiently for the day when the average joe rises up and starts the revolution that restores this country to what it should be according to the constitution!


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