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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Jordan Demands Cummings Hold Michael Cohen Accountable for Perjury

House Oversight and Reform Committee ranking members Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mark Meadows (R-NC) wrote a letter Friday to committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) demanding that he hold former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen accountable for perjury.

Jordan and Meadows wrote a letter to Cummings on the 100th day since Cohen’s “perjury-laden” testimony the House Oversight Committee in February, demanding that Cummings hold Cohen accountable for his lies to the committee.

The House conservatives wrote:

We are deeply disappointed that you have declined to hold Cohen accountable, despite your forceful promises to do so and contrary to Vice Chair Katie Hill’s expectation that you would. We can only assume that you worry that acknowledging Cohen’s lies would undermine the investigation on which they are based and ultimately undercut your partisan attacks upon the President. We hope that you will reconsider your decision, put the institutional interests of the Committee ahead of your political goals, and do what you promised to do.

The Ohio and North Carolina congressmen cite that recent House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) transcripts show that Cohen lied about never seeking a pardon from President Trump.


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