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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Ouch: After Abortion Fiasco, Obama’s Chief Campaign Strategist Wonders if Biden Can Actually Win

The move from Biden came after days of pressure from the left and direct shots on the abortion issue from other Democrat candidates.

Now, because of the back and forth, former Obama campaign manager David Axelrod is questioning whether Biden can really win.

"This underscores questions that people have had about whether he can go the distance," Axelrod said during an interview with CNN Friday morning. "Last night he flipped again. So, that was a flip-flop-flip, which is never a good thing in politics and his raises questions about his performance and his own steadiness and his campaign's performance. This was not a good...geyond the issue itself, this was not a reassuring episode for the Biden campaign."


1 comment:

  1. We are witnessing the DEMISE of the Democratic party

    see all you losers in the unemployment line


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