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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Blue State Blues: Trump Has Improved Relations with Every U.S. Ally

President Donald Trump has improved relations with every one of America’s allies.

You will not learn that from reading the news. The prevailing dogma in the mainstream media reflects the Democrat Party’s revisionist propaganda, which obscures the fact that Barack Obama disrupted relations with our allies in an effort to appease Russia, Iran, and other enemies.

But search the world, and you will not find any examples of allies with whom Trump has made relations worse.

Do not rely on opinion polls. The public perception of the United States abroad is shaped by CNN and the New York Times, the major sources of American news overseas; and is also guided by foreign media and cultural elites, who are vehemently anti-Republican, if not also anti-American.

Look, instead, at the relationships between governments.

Start with Israel, where Obama made a deliberate effort to create “distance” between our government and theirs. Today Donald Trump is a hero to Israelis for affirming their sovereignty in Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Israel’s Arab neighbors, including our Saudi allies, are also grateful for Trump’s backing against Iran.

Or take Japan, where President Trump concluded a very successful visit last week. To be sure, there are differences between the two countries on issues like North Korea and trade. Yet President Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have forged a close friendship.

More truth here

1 comment:

  1. He has got Real Backbone = Real Leader !!!!


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