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Monday, June 17, 2019

Immigrants’ sponsors to be on hook for ‘every dollar’ if new arrivals end up on dole

Sponsors of LEGAL immigrants to the United States received word Friday that they’ll be on the hook “for every dollar” if those immigrants end up receiving welfare funds or other public support instead of earning a living and paying taxes.

The message came Ken Cuccinelli, a former Virginia state attorney general who last week became acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) following his appointment by President Trump.

“If the sponsored immigrant receives any federal means-tested public benefits, the sponsor will be expected to reimburse the benefits-granting agency for every dollar of benefits received by the immigrant,” Cuccinelli wrote in a USCIS memo.

In addition, the same message instructed agents who work for USCIS to remind applicants and sponsors that “the Affidavit of Support is a legal and enforceable contract between the sponsor and the federal government.”

“The President has made it a priority to ensure that every individual who seeks to come to the United States is self-sufficient, temporarily or permanently,” Cuccinelli wrote. “The principle of self-sufficiency has been enshrined in our immigration laws since the 1800s, and we as an agency must ensure that immigrants who become part of this great country abide by this principle.”




  1. Great plan but who's going to make them pay and make sure we actually receive the money and not paid by the tax payers that are US citizens?

  2. Those legal immigrants shouldn't receive any money in the first place, if they need help let their sponsor help them or send them back out of the country.

  3. Oh and by the way 12:19 it's not a great plan it's a stupid plan.

  4. Spot in 12:19 and let's make sure those who sponsor never get one damn dime of entitlements.

  5. well first order of bussiness.. SLAM ANY COMPANIES HIRING ILLEGALS who are not on a valid work visa...they skirt the system and collect dole since the work off the books

  6. How do the sponsors get screened to verify they have a job and the means to support these illegals? Their sponsors are on public assistance so they just claim them as family and the tax payer still pays the illegals.


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