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Monday, June 17, 2019

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra locks out musicians

BALTIMORE —The management of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra locked out its musicians at midnight Monday.

The BSO Board of Directors approved a lockout on Sunday. With no agreement between musicians and management reached, the lockout went into effect at midnight.

"Due to the Baltimore Symphony's urgent need to address longstanding financial issues and change its business model, the BSO has made this extremely difficult decision," said President and CEO Peter Kjome in a statement on the BSO's website.

In a statement from the BSO musicians overnight, they stated the Symphony's management is out of cash and will not pay the musicians' salary. Health insurance will also be cut off at the end of the month, June 30, according to the statement. BSO musicians plan to picket in front of the Meyerhoff Hall Monday morning.



  1. Uh oh don't let the so called "artists" here in Salisbury get wind of this. It seems as though the art scene is just not as desirable as the idiot DAY thinks. When is he going to use this must have amphitheatre? What happened to all the concerts and such that he just had to push the project through for his butt buddy at veteran builders

  2. Great another Baltimore success story

  3. If they are out of money going on strike is stupid, go find another job.

  4. Classical music is dying because western civilization is dying. People aren't going to orchestras anymore because no one values "high art" any more. Look at out local classical station WSCL - I know its liberal NPR, but they are barely scraping by.

  5. Sounds like curtains to me.

  6. If liberal arts are dying why do taxpayers give 500million to them every year.

  7. @4:18 the question is where's that 500 million actually going??

  8. the funding went to payola to the same place the wasted school funding roads repair, etc...went..DEMOCRATS ARE CROOKS

  9. Hey Hogan why don't you get to work and stop the bleeding that is Baltimore Maryland instead of taking selfies at the beach or eating crabs??


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