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Monday, June 17, 2019

Mexico: 791 Migrants Found Packed in 4 Tractor-Trailers

Mexican officials detained nearly 800 undocumented migrants on Saturday, the government said, in one of the biggest swoops against illegal immigration in recent months, as members of the National Guard began patrolling the southern border.

Mexico's National Migration Institute (INM) said in a statement late on Saturday that 791 foreign nationals were found in four trucks stopped in the eastern state of Veracruz, confirming earlier reports about a mass detention.

The apprehension came as Mexico steps up efforts to reduce a surge of migrants toward the U.S. border under pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump, who vowed to hit Mexican goods with tariffs if Mexico does not do more to stem illegal immigration.

As part of those efforts, Mexico has pledged to deploy 6,000 National Guard members along its border with Guatemala.

Although there have been few signs of that deployment so far, a Reuters reporter near the border in Tapachula this weekend saw a handful of security officials wearing National Guard insignia and spoke to others in military outfits who said they were part of the guard.



  1. Drop them all on the Democrats running for offices homes, in their high fenced in mansions. Not on our doorsteps but theirs they want this so bad they should have to live with the consequences.

  2. The loads were 209 short. I paid for 1000, not 791.

  3. We should lock the doors on the trucks for a year with the drivers in there.

  4. That's how they live in the Georgetown homes. and Salisbury projects

    hundreds in each home

  5. SEND EM BA C K !!!!

  6. Pack the Democrats into trailers & send all of them to MEX !!

  7. Pack Pelosi / Schumer /Schiff / Clapper / Lynch / Comey

    Cummings / Mueller / in a Tractor Trailer , to Mexico !!!

  8. Call it Fair Trade !!!! LOL


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