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Sunday, June 09, 2019

'I want to see Trump in PRISON': Nancy Pelosi tells top Democrats

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told top Democrats that she wants to see President Donald Trump 'in prison'.

Pelosi's remarks came in a meeting on Tuesday with top House Democrats, including Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler, who is aggressively pushing for impeachment, Politico reported.

'I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,' Pelosi said in the closed-door meeting, multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting told the outlet.

Pelosi, who fears political disaster if impeachment proceedings are launched without broad public support, argued that it would be better to see Trump defeated in the next election and then criminally prosecuted as a private citizen.



  1. I want to see nancy go into a creamatory

  2. If he were not President he would be in prison .
    So , i guess he IS above the law

    1. 9:28- For what?

    2. 9:28 Please elaborate on all of Trumps “crimes”.

  3. I want to see him in prison ? She may get her wish of being in prison , but she may be disappointed when she doesn't see Trump . However , when she gets out of prison she can see him at 16th and Penn , in D.C.

  4. Don't worry Dems ur days r numbered.

  5. As soon as Hillary, Obama, Comey, Lynch, Mueller, and the rest of the deep state are in prison. Then she can go after President Trump.

  6. And after 7:48 quote I can only say after cremation she can go straight to he!!

    1. Hell doesn't want that bitch either.

  7. If you cannot be charged of a crime as President , then you cannot be convicted of a crime,....therefore you cannot go to prison

  8. And.....all of America wants to see Pelosi in prison, way way overdue.

  9. We're still waiting to hear what those "crimes" are. It must be a long list for you to take so long to put it together.
    Until you can do that, how about just a few teasers? 🤔🤔🤔

  10. I want to see Nancy behind bars she has done nothing but try to bring down this country and has no respect for the Presidency. She and Hillary are the worst 2 Ladies in history to bring disgrace to politics, and neither of them should have ever served any office. I wish they both were physically removed to the Southern Border to have to live out their lives. Remember Bengazi Hillary, and Nancy may you remember the 2016 election and how your soul has taken a back seat to the lobotomy you had.

  11. Pelosi said she wants to see Trump in prison. I highly doubt he’s got time to visit her.

  12. June 7, 2019 at 2:42 PM ----- Great reply ----

    Pelosi said she wants to see Trump in prison. I highly doubt he’s got time to visit her.

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 7, 2019 at 4:58 PM

    Sure Nancy. When you get that Orange Jumpsuit and the Cell next to Hillary, Donald might come visit and bring some lollipops for you.

  14. We Voters (Real Americans) want to see ALL the Dems in



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