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Sunday, June 09, 2019

A viewer Writes.........City Of Salisbury

Lack of political will to make its core neighborhoods a competitive choice for families, an ineffective code and compliance department, and a mayor who just doesn’t get the big picture. Downtown will never flourish, crime rates won’t drop,etc. until somebody wakes up. Where is Salisbury Neighborhood Housing these days?
So sad and aggravating!



  1. Thats hysterical.
    What do they think the end value is?
    It was only worth 150,00 in 2015 and then landed in foreclosure where Brittingham thinks it was worth 104,900? as listed in May 2019 and now he still thinks it is worth 94,900?

    Even his flipping buddies aren't going to touch it at that price.

    Used to be a program where you bought it for $1. Cleaned it up and lived there for 5 years before you could sell it off.

    As June 3rd the real estate market reports that - there are 359 active residential listings in the county, Short Sales and foreclosures in Salisbury and Wicomico County make up 4.5% of available residential properties

  2. Sanctuary city of Salisbury MD! They totally lost any credibility when they held their pride fiasco on the plaza! They literally held a drag queen pageant?? What person/family in their right minds wants to be associated with a city/ mayor that promotes and endorses this lunacy?

    1. Jake day is Jane Iretons B...H.

  3. I don't get the point of this post and link.

  4. As long as DEMOCRAT LIBS are the Mayors of DABURY it will NEVER FLOURISH And until the crime rate is properly exposed dabury will ALWAYS BE A SHITHOLE.

    1. That's what they want welfare waterfront thug/gay housing and live off of WE TAX PAYERS ...GET RID OF JAKE DAY.

  5. The previous mayor did virtually nothing for the city for eight years. He was rewarded for his aimless terms with a seat on the city council, where he sits, doing even more nothing. For him (and several other council members) it's just a very easy paycheck.

    1. A prior mayor should not be allowed to be on council after they were mayor. What kind of backwards mess is that?

  6. @8:40AM - I think the point of the post is that this house has amazing bones, and could be beautiful. But the crime and the way the city is run down, no one even wants to take this on at $95K, because they know they'll never get a return on their investment.

    If things changed dramatically in Salisbury - a true focus on crime, bringing businesses into the area via making it economically attractive, lowering property taxes - then someone will jump on this house and bring it back to what it should be.

  7. Once again, another example where Liberals trash communities. Liberalism has killed Salisbury. This is beyond the death rattle stage. It’s in the grave unable to be resurrected. Sad. It used to be a cool place to live. Now it’s just a vast wasteland of what used to be.

  8. 10:25 AM - He not only got a seat on council after two lousy terms as mayor, he left council without much of an explanation for Baltimore after two years of a four year term in the early 2000's. His voting neighborhood just can't seem to get enough of him.

  9. In case you don't know it, Salisbury Neighborhood Housing appears to be involved with getting more people from Baltimore moved to Wicomico County so that all the new Section-8 housing can be filled. I'm told the landlords/owners make a deal with the State and receive voucher money which is their guaranteed money funding. They could care less about all the Baltimore rejects moving to Wicomico County. With two landlords on the County Council I'm told that another realtor is trying to get voted onto the County Council. If this is untrue how about someone putting up what they think is true.

  10. JAKE DAY and his entourage are a pathetic excuse for examples of men! Who in the hell wants to witness a damn drag queen pageant or better yet participate in one? Where the hell are all the real men in Salisbury MD and why aren't you challenging this garbage?

  11. @8:35 now you have some inkling of the whole Aaron Hudson suicide and what really goes on behind closed doors with Jake Day. The guy is a f'ing freak

    1. 12:39 What are you implying?

  12. There needs to be some changes at SPD.

  13. Name one city in America run by democrats that has low crime great schools job growth along with middle class neighborhoods and isn’t a financial basket case. Waiting patiently!

  14. 9:03 You don't have a clue Ireton received a lot of bad press the comments about him being gay and hanging out in bars. Kind of sounds like what we hear about Day but it's Day's case he is a looser and has done nothing good for Salisbury. Ireton on the other hand did a lot of good and really listened to the people. I was on the Mayors Roundtable and met with the other neighborhoods the SPD, the City Council, and witnessed real growth. I also know that he attended the Salisbury Neighborhood Watch groups, he took calls and returned calls with answers and suggestions. He walked the neighborhoods not just when running for office, and he walked with the SPD and Code & Compliance if things weren't right they were made right and he didn't care who's toes he stepped on. Speak about what you know for sure in the future 9:03 and people like you--get involved not just run take up air and print space.

  15. You'd be a damn fool to purchase a home in that area. It's infested with drugs, prostitution, and illegals

  16. Liberals like Day don't realize they are turning dabury into daguetto they think this city WON'T turn into another Baltimore or chi town.

  17. You keep putting them in those houses and they keep tearing them up. I would not live there, even if it was free. That's how these people live. Filthy azz neighborhoods.


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