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Monday, June 17, 2019

Cable News Networks Cut Away from Trump Healthcare Announcement

All three major cable news networks cut away from President Donald Trump’s healthcare policy announcement on Friday, as he unveiled a new rule change designed to expand insurance coverage options for small business employees.

Breitbart News covered the announcement live, in its entirety, via Facebook video.

Several small business owners stood with President Trump on the stage in the Rose Garden at the White House, and told the audience how the new policy would help them save money and provide health insurance to employees.

But the major cable news networks had already stopped streaming the event, cutting away just a few minutes into President Trump’s remarks, before he described the actual policy change.

MSNBC cut away to a discussion of criticism of President Trump’s healthcare policies; Fox News went to a discussion of the controversy over White House counsel Kellyanne Conway’s alleged violation of the Hatch Act; CNN cut to a commercial.

More here


  1. Democrats and the media hate America and it’s hard to believe some can’t see it.

  2. Looks like Demon-crats control OUR media in America !!!!

    Alot like in Russia / China >> Not Free Press or Unbiased

  3. The some you speak of hate America too.
    you know, the communist democrats.

  4. Biased news members should be FIRED !!!!

  5. Not a complete plan? Only covers small business employees. A complete plan would be worthy of coverage. If Trump wants to be recognized for healthcare plans he must submit something nearly complete. MAGA

  6. There will never be an affordable for all or anyone Health Care Plan unless your so ill you have lost everything and so poor your on the dole. It's far cheaper to eat right and get up and out and move. Who want's to be older than 80 anyway ? I certainly don't want to be poked prodded and medicated beyond end and constantly visit physicians for what ? I'd rather croak and leave my grand kids 2 cool million.

  7. The only plan that Trump has is repeal ( without a replacement ) the Affordable Care Act

  8. We already know the MSM is biased. They prove time and again that they are anti-Trump, anti-conservative. That is why true Americans should turn them off. If their ratings fall enough, so will their advertisers and they cannot continue to operate without them.


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