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Monday, June 17, 2019

Trump: Obama ‘Had to Know’ of ‘Setup’ to Block His Presidential Bid

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” President Donald Trump said former President Barack Obama “had to know” about FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page working against him being elected.

Trump said, “There was no crime. There was no collusion. The big thing is collusion. Now, there’s no collusion. That means they set — it was a setup. In my opinion, and I think it’s going to come out.”

Stephanopoulos asked, “You clearly believe there was a group of people working against you. Do you think President Obama was behind it?”

Trump said, “I would say that he certainly must have known about it because it went very high up in the chain. But you’re going to find that out. I’m not going to make that statement quite yet. But I would say that President Obama had to know about it.”



  1. Hell , Obama was in Charge of it !!!! Get Real

  2. Hillary was behind it ALL along with Obama !!!! Fact

    & SHE STILL LOST !!!!

  3. Why ??? are they NOT Prosecuted

    Until they ARE > NO Justice in America Period !!!

    If they were Republican, they would have been in Prison !!!!

  4. The man is President who cares ? Let's get on with MAGA and not look back. We can't butt hurt go after every corruption. Trump himself had risen above it as they still try to drag him down. We need to need to move forward. We have momentum.

    1. Prosecution of the guilty will prevent more of the same

  5. Sorry 6:02. Justice must be served. Until it is, when on jury duty I will find every government employee guilt as charged regardless of evidence, and all civilians I will find innocent regardless of charges or evidence. Just like governments can't pick winners or losers, neither can they ignore crime at someone's convenience

  6. We NOT forgetting or Sweeping under the Rug what the
    Demon-crats have done......get used to it !!!!

    Hillary & Obama & their bunch >> going to Jail & Prison !!!!

    Republicans will now get their turn to have Witch Hunts !!!!

  7. Deep State swamp creatures - get rid of them all!


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