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Monday, June 17, 2019

‘A Virtual Act of Treason’

President Donald Trump on Saturday denied a New York Times report claiming the U.S. is ramping up cyber attacks against Russia, calling the decision to run the article a “virtual act of treason.”

According to the Times, the U.S. is increasingly targeting Russia’s electric power grid and has even gone as far as to install debilitating code inside it. The operation is the first of its kind, according to the newspaper, which also claimed two administration officials said President Donald Trump is believed not to have been briefed on the mission.

Reacting to the report in a pair of tweets, President Trump wrote: “Do you believe that the Failing New York Times just did a story stating that the United States is substantially increasing Cyber Attacks on Russia. This is a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if bad for our Country.”

The president went on to deny the report’s veracity, stating it was “NOT TRUE!”

“Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today. They will do, or say, whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence! These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!” he concluded.



  1. Treason = Obama / Hillary / Lynch / Comey / Clapper !!!!

  2. This is nothing new or news. They hack us we hack them. Our subs tail theirs they tail ours air fly by's and ships cruising close. Same old thing. China hacks us we hack them. It's all a big cat a mouse joke and provides lot's of jobs for data analysts and code writers.You think Tom Clancy makes this shit up ?

  3. That Plane load of CASH Obama sent to IRAN will come
    in Handy to them , when we go to WAR !!!

    And that so called DEAL Kerry made , will be nice for IRAN
    when they fire off their first NUKE on someone too !!!!

    Helping the Enemy is TREASON > Lock them UP !!!!

  4. Our problems in the middle east and Iran started way before Obama. You think Reagan just called up the Ayatollah lisping and drooling on a jelly bean and freed the hostages ? If anything was Impeachable it was the Contra Hearings. He was already senile at that point and Nancy and her psychic were running the country with Andy Warhol and Michael Jackson. This administration is equally as ridiculous. Nothings really happened. Soros may very well be getting away with all that you suspect him of. This has to be to most farcical political climate I can remember. Everyone is pro Israel and in the same breath believe there's a global Jewish New World Order Banking conspiracy. You can't have it all and both ways people. LOL. You espouse do the research for yourselves. Well anyone can Google any kind of crazy bullshit. It's no different than so called "fake news " you can choose to believe anything you want. That's what fantasies and Democracy is made of.

  5. More serious problems in the world increased under Obama. He allowed enemies to become bold and more powerful while reducing our military strength. Our govt's priority is to protect its citizens and land. Both sides have failed because of their political games.


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