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Sunday, June 23, 2019

A Viewer Writes........Countywide EMS program

Early this morning Pittsville EMS was alerted for a hemorrhage (uncontrolled bleeding). Each department is given 8 minutes to responded. 

Pittsville EMS was alerted, after 8 minutes they failed to respond.
Willards EMS was then alerted to cover the call, after 8 minutes they failed to respond.

Parsonsburg EMS was then alerted to cover the call, after 4 minutes Willards finally responded.

A paramedic from Powellville responded to Willards to staff their ambulance. 

ZERO volunteers responded. Pittsville Fire didn’t even bother responding to the medical assist.
The ambulance took so long to get there that the patient ended up transporting them selves to PRMC prior to the arrival of the ambulance.

The ambulace took at least 25 minutes to get to the scene. That’s unheard of.

It’s time for countywide EMS program. Fire Department’s obviously can’t handle EMS calls anymore.


  1. Culver is too concerned with his pirates wharf garbage to actually address serious COUNTY concerns. Like Day they have their own personal agenda

    1. You are correct! On all points!

  2. Willards has a PAID EMT!!!!! Why weren't they responding? Volunteers have other real jobs that actually pay the bills, if you are being paid to do a job then do your job!!!!!

  3. Sounds like it will take a lawsuit to fix it.

  4. 1:46 You are the moron who can't seem to understand EVERYONE has AN AGENDA

  5. if you dont like it,volunteer at your neighborhood fire dept.did you take into account that they were out on another call?

  6. I think that the answer to this problem revealed itself when the injured person took themselves to the hospital.

    The idea of operating with an "abundance of caution" is teaching people that they should wait for help. Or to take a pill instead of using tried and true methods that require work on your part.

    Good for this person. They realized that help was not coming and took measures to deal with the problem. I am sure that it was messy and that it may have been stressful.

    People! We are not helpless animals working ourselves to death or waiting for slaughter! Even the lowest functioning adults among us have survival instincts. Take care of yourselves. Culver, Doochbag Jake and the other mentally midgets need to push more self reliance and stop pushing insanely expensive rides to the hospital all while infighting about who pays what.

    If you think I am insane, ask an ambulance driver or ER nurse how often they treat people that simply does not need emergency service. Sure, plenty of people do but, plenty of people don't as well.

  7. Maybe you should suggest that the problems on the EAST side of the County get corrected. They have been having problems for quite a while.

  8. June 17, 2019 at 3:16 PM

    It is a complicated issue and you are generalizing a bit too much.

    They also say at a certain point you do not need to be in your car putting others at risk while you are driving yourself to the hospital because it took the ambulance 30 minutes to arrive.

    Person could have passed out and killed others because EMT's did not arrive and he had to deal with this true emergency on his own.

    Quit making excuses
    I heard a call on broadcastify - a heart attack call - where it took them 20 minutes to respond. I do not know if the person lived.
    I heard dispatch repeatedly call out.
    This isn't the first time.

  9. Maybe before you spout off about a County wide EMS system you should ask the EMS providers on the EAST side of the County to get their act together. They have been having problems for quite some time.

  10. why does the government have to solve every problem? wtf ever happened to helping yourself?
    Damn country is full of pansies!

    1. They take our money forcefully is why we do expect something in return. If they didn't take my money I'd expect nothing.

  11. Volunteers want nothing to do with the EMS world, my God that would actually help thy neighbor. Fire calls where they want to be a hero, and have a little fun and excitement are WAY down, thus the VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY concept is dead. Now next step, you have to pay for the service you want. Your call.

  12. @3:04 when the county and city get the S*** sued out of them then maybe someone will act responsibly. Who the F*** needs s pirates wharf or another failed series of F** festivals and gay pride fiascoes? Put the majority of the citizens needs first and foremost and stop catering to the national trend of minorities and gays. You're risking people's lives dumbass

  13. June 17, 2019 at 4:07 PM
    Stupid comment of the day.

    Your taxes pay for the service, in part, and then you get billed again when they show up and help you. You get to pay twice. You were not given a choice in the matter either. The system was already set up to take financial advantage of you in your time of need.

    Don't get me wrong. I am happy they are there.
    Quit blaming the public.

    I notice you didn't offer any solutions.

  14. Local governments won’t deal with both serious or truly confrontational issues like the fire service, the feel good stuff is always easier. You will see a complete takeover of at least EMS service by government, but YOU will pay dearly for it.

  15. ALL I can say is Culver has a nice waterfront farm out there in Whitehaven that will benefit greatly once this pirates cove garbage is put in. Like the rest if his family property I'm sure he's ready to sell that off to development as well and ride off into retirement. Hell you would think after the catastrophe with the townhouses off pemberton(hidden meadows) he would give it a rest.

  16. 4:48...."pay dearly for it", oh they just don't realize. That expense would be 2nd only to the Bd of Ed in this county. To pay for the equipment, the vehicles, the paramedics, the EMT's, the required training, the benefits, etc, etc, etc. The people of Wicomico would cry enough tears to dilute all the waste from the infamous wastewater plant.

  17. FY '20 Budget for Volunteer EMS is $2,421,513 to include Worker's Comp, divided between the 11 stations in the County. An increase of 36.5% from FY '16 majority of it is the doubling of the grant for paid staff from $55k, to $110k plus worker's comp increase. The estimated cost for 24 hour EMT/B and EMT/P is about $280,320 for salary plus worker's comp and any other benefits. The system is broken and trying to fund 11 full time staffed ambulances for the approximate 5,000 calls a year is not the best use of funds. That's why stations share EMT/P's because the Funds and call volume insurance billing don't cover it.

  18. and just how many of those calls are repeat from the same individuals? I know there are plenty. so while some abuse the system you want us all to pay more? wrong answer! address those who are abusing the system first! then take another look at how the current resources are being used!

  19. The issue is that the County is providing millions of dollars with no accountability. Some of these Volunteer Fire Companies are making money off of EMS and not putting it back into the service. Its great to have a nice station, new apparatus, and nice award ceremonies, but it is all in vain if regular calls cant be handled in a timely fashion. Why is the County funding all of the Companies individually? Currently if a call is in pittsville, that takes the Paramedic out of both Parsonsburg amd Pittsville. Do they dispatch the next Paramedic? No, they wait and wait and hope people show up. It is a simple solution without increasing funding. The Paramedic should be available to the County. That should be the criteria for receiving the funding. In the end its not just money from the Parsonsburg area that supports the Parsonsburg area, its funds received from the entire County. Isolation does not fare well for Emergency Services. Its time for someone to take charge of it at a County level and provide accountability for the service. Currently there are multiple stations that cant cover the shifts they are supposed to, do the citizens know that they dont have coverage but the Company still has the same funding? Yes EMS cost money and a County system would impact the budget. However, the service would be reliable, accountable, and have quality measures built in, something that it currently lacks today. Dont forget EMS does bill, so there is significant revenue. The Companies cry wolf about funds, just take a look at the billing revenue. Volunteers are a great asset to the County, they need to prevemt themselves from becoming a liability. In the end, providing the best service to the citizens is the goal and that is currently not at the forefront. I hope this gets published as a new thread so we can actually have a discussion instead of using uneducated scare tactics. Think about response times for your family, quality of care for your family, and adequate resource utilization with your tax dollars. Once you honestly look at that, the only option is to consider a better service model.

  20. Doesn't appear to me that Paramedics are the problem. You still need people to get the ambulance out the door, and at the moment the east side of the County is failing to do that

  21. The National Fire Protection Assoc. calls for a response of less than one minute from initial dispatch. Not a 20 minute response where the patient drives themselves to the hospital. There is no quality control for the actions/inactions of the ambulance crews. No accounting of how the funding is spent. Sharing a paramedic is not the answer. As for the makeup of the crews? Another joke. In many instances the only qualified crew member is the EMT-B and/or Paramedic
    riding in the back. The driver is just that, a driver who may know CPR but cannot provide any patient care; he can't set up an IV, hold traction for a fractured femur, assist in basic patient care- he/she just drives. Might as well get a Uber driver. Yes Joe, we need a new blog started on the horrors of Wicomico County and Culver needs to address this crisis now.


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