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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Beto O'Rourke says white Americans need to get behind reparations before he can 'quantify' them

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Beto O'Rourke faced pressure to explain his plan for reparations if he is elected is president, a day after voicing support for making amends to black Americans for centuries of slavery.

Yet as the Democrat attempts to court black voters in South Carolina, he was dodgy on details, choosing instead to kick the question to a future date when he said white Americans better understand the history of enslavement in the U.S.

"I don't think the history lesson is incidental," O'Rourke told reporters on Saturday after a journalist cut him off mid-response. "I think it's telling everyone, especially white America, which forms the majority, understands the story. In a democracy you're never going to get to a solution."



  1. Hmmm. Reminds of of something else. "We have to pass it to know what's in it." (SARC)

  2. He needs to get behind POSTING HIS REAL NAME.

  3. I absolutely and totally agree. Anyone born before 1865 who was a slave should be paid $20,000 per month for the remainder of their life!!!
    Effective beginning today.

  4. If that's the case, then as an Irish american we should also be paid reparations for my Ancestors slavery under the British when we were a colony and for indentured servitude. Slavery goes across all racial lines. Any country that was defeated became slaves by conquered tribes like the Vikings or the Romans when they defeated a country.

  5. Oh please - I’m so sick of hearing I’m white and to blame for all of the issues of the past - here’s a thought to any who support this nut - try a job

  6. Gay boy will say anything to get elected

  7. Just what do you call over 150 years of paying for them!

  8. Reparations will never happen it’s another political tool to hold a carrot out in front of black Americans attempting to trick them

  9. Once again, a Beto non-plan. He's like an open window in a funeral viewing room, a useless and annoying distraction

  10. Being an Irishman, it is true our ancestors were treated like slaves but I would be ashamed to take a handout. Won’t happen. James J. Braddock paid back the welfare money he had to take to support his family. True Irishman.

  11. They do this S.. T every 4 yrs for the AMERICAN AFRICAN VOTE.

  12. We Irish were treated much worse than slaves for a large part of the country's history. We asked for nothing. We gave our blood for this country the same as other groups that came or were brought here (and sold by their own peoples). We all built this country and we all fought for this country.

  13. Behind him?

    like all his Male lovers?


  14. Francis Phony O'Rourke is so full of it. If they make an enema solution that will treat the brain he should buy a 55 gallon drum as a starting point.

  15. White people need to be paid reparations for being the punching bag and alleged group who caused all the problems in the country while paying for all the problems in the country.

  16. What kind of people cheer for him?

  17. Blacks OWE the Whites REPARATIONS since, by Far, the
    Whites were the ones Fighting the Wars & saving the whole
    World , Including them !!! Fact Period !!!!

    Many More Whites fought /died / suffered than any of them!

    Plus > in peacetime allowed Reverse Discrimination on
    themselves , so they (Whites) have Paid more than enough !

  18. I don’t understand the desperate pandering towards only 13% of the population. Why aren’t they courting the majority, with policies that will benefit all?


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