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Sunday, June 23, 2019

A Viewer Writes......

UPDATE: I spoke with John O’Brien of the City of Salisbury . He stated that this was not a “secret squirrel or a black hawk “these men from Salisbury University were hired to take pictures of houses/ structures throughout Salisbury for the purpose of assessing the property structures and conditions for the City of Salisbury. I believe the City of Salisbury already has inspectors to do this. I asked if this “project” was ever properly disclosed to the homeowners and the citizens of Salisbury. He couldn’t immediately answer . He later informed me that he spoke with Chris Demone of the City of Salisbury and he believed that it was posted on social media not sure when since this was a brand new project . I have checked online and can’t find anything. I’m just not buying this. If this was a legit project why weren’t the citizens made aware of this by Print , Tv, Radio, Social Media.? Why weren’t these men wearing some type of identification badges? More to come on this one.

Around 3:45 yesterday on Shiloh Street in Salisbury two men both wearing sunglasses ( one tall man with facial hair and a red back pack and a shorter man wearing a tank top both Caucasian) were taking pictures in my yard of my home. By brother asked why are you taking pictures they said we are hired by the university to assess properties yet they only came to our home , they proceeded blocks away to Springfield Circle and got into a Salisbury University car number 44 and drove away.  I went to Campus Police on Wayne Street I was originally told that there isn’t any assessment being done by Salisbury University . I was told an officer would come out to speak to me named Scott from the City of Salisbury Police to talk about this or I could call Public Works in Salisbury, the police officer never came out to talk to me. Interesting that the Salisbury Police has officers at a University. I called Public Works and spoke to Heather who confirmed that they did employee Salisbury University and she said I would need to speak to John O’Brian to discuss this matter he is the director of the City of Salisbury. He still has not called. The irony is I spoke with Heather about 30 minutes before these men arrived because my trash was the only house on Shiloh that was not picked up and my trash was out at 6pm last night . I was physically assaulted in 2013 by a stranger who the former district attorney let walk . We have had two shootings on Shiloh that have gone unanswered I have had three attempts to break into my home and those people were never arrested. This would never have happened if we had honorable men like the late Police Chief Coulbourne Dykes and Mayor Paul Martin running this town . These two men who were on my property today have violated my privacy and I demand answers. I will not ever again be violated.


  1. Jake has the ability to fix this problem by making changes to the pizza party leadership he supports in power now. These types of crimes are never going to change until someone turns the direction of that failing ship at SPD

  2. colbourne dykes had this city under control!! It's a shame that no one of his caliber followed behind him as police Chief. As for mayor Martin he was the same and supported chief dykes on keeping the citizens of Salisbury safe. It's sad that a dumbass like Jake Day was entrusted to lead Salisbury. He definitely showed his true colors with all the lies and deceit

  3. Put a no trespassing sign up, and the picture of a big a$$ hand gun under it, with you've been warned. And if they come back, do like Biden said, go out back and blast a couple rounds off.

  4. And.....Get that phone or camera out and take pictures, a lot of them, cause they'll probably swear they were never there.

  5. Have you been paying your taxes and city bills? Maybe trying to assess for tax auction and lien if you are delinquent.

  6. "Jake has the ability to fix.."
    "...Jake Day was entrusted..."

    BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thank you both for those lines, BWAHAHAHAHHA Almost better than taking shots of TEN HIGH bourbon....but only - almost!


  7. If you are not a felon, get two friends called Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.


  8. Or elect me, Wayne King, as mayor and watch this nonsense stopped immediately.

  9. Next time take a bat to the two INTRUDERS. I BET YOULL GET SOME RESPONSE THEN.

  10. Only with Raised TAXES

  11. Red fox has info that secret squirrel has found the rainbow.

  12. Sounds like Jake Day's non stop lies and deceiful behavior. Why in god's name would people from Salisbury university be doing assessment work for the city?

  13. Sounds just as creepy as Delmarva Power sending out a contractor to ask if they can install LED lightbulbs in your home. Apparently if you are a customer, you are entitled to free lightbulbs

  14. University trying to decide if it is worth taking over your property. Just saying.

  15. Assessment for what!!??

  16. LOL you have to be kidding ! Colbourne Dykes and all the family nepotism. The bootlegging and drug running.He may have kept the minority element in their place but that was not law and order. People have nostalgic notions about Mayberry law and order but they were never insiders and understand how this old boy system existed here before the College expanded and how we pandered to developers and outsider retirees.

    1. @10:10 you're hilarious!! Knowing colbourne dykes and his siblings growing up he was on no way shape or form tolerant of any drug running. Like you stated he was kept busy with all the minority non sense that seems to have just gotten worse with the liberal acceptance of today's culture. I'd much rather have the streets of your so called "Mayberry" comparison than the BS running wild today. Anyone complaining about colbourne dykes was probably doing something that warranted his attention and if you got on that side of him god help you. Give me a Police chief like dykes and a sheriff like Lewis anyday

  17. 10:10 PM, lol glad you remember it like I do.

  18. @10:10&11:53 yea Jake Day's nepotism with the gays and blacks seems to be working so much better. The city has turned into a run down slum except for the area around the college and downtown. Give me the good old boys taking care of each other than Jake Day's version of entitlement and people that don't take care of the very city and neighborhood they live in. Who the hell wants to live in a section 8, gang/drug infested neighborhood? You have apartment complexes all over the city of Salisbury from Delmar all the way through to fruitland. WTF is that?

  19. Not sure if this has anything to do with this story or not but for months there is a small Salisbury University white car that parks in the parking lot of St. Andrews Church parking lot off of Vine Street. Some one sits there sometimes for hours and never gets out. No one else in the parking lot ever, except the driver behind the wheel, just seems strange. If someone is utilizing a University car wouldn't that mean they are on the job, or just killing work time and being paid or just what?

  20. My understanding that cars are available for students. Sounds crazy but I'm sure I read that some where. But why would anyone use an official car just to sit in for hours at a time? Notify the college. It must have a number on the car or a plate number.

  21. Advertised on social media?! What kind of morons are running this city. What a bunch of malarkey. These people are trespassing and frankly, that’s against the law regardless of purpose. These city hall morons think everyone’s private property is their property. Wrong. Your socialistic collectivism is illegal in America.

    1. U people really think Secret Squirrels hanging around Salisbury mD. Laughable and sad.

  22. I do not have the complete details, but I would assume it is to update the Citys GIS system so that one can click on the parcel and see a photo of it immediately. It is not uncommon to see localities perform this. Even Accomack County VA has it in place. SU folks are probably doing it through the ESRGIS Cooperative or something like it. Interestingly if they stay on the sidewalk and DO NOT trespass not much we can do about it.... Knowing John, he administers the GIS System for the City so this is the likely answer..


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