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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Iran shoots down American drone in international airspace, US official confirms

In a major provocation, Iran shot down an unarmed and unmanned U.S. Navy MQ-4C Triton drone while it was flying in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz Thursday, a U.S. official told ABC News.

The incident is sure to trigger serious discussions within the Trump administration about how to respond to a direct attack on a U.S. military asset that goes beyond recent attacks in the Middle East that the U.S. has blamed on Iran.

The U.S. Navy MQ-4C Triton was shot down by an Iranian surface to air missile while the reconnaissance drone was flying in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, a U.S. official told ABC News.

Earlier, Iranian state media had quoted Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as saying it had downed a Global Hawk drone when it entered Iranian airspace near the Kouhmobarak district north of the Strait of Hormuz.



  1. To this day I'm still in shock that the idiots Obama and biden gave these people 150 billion dollars of our money. Politicians make me sick and should be held accountable

  2. This is an act of war if in fact the drone was in international airspace. Lindsey Graham said last evening we should cripple their oil reserves by knocking out refineries and beating down infrastructure. Like Bush did, I think we should give advance warning that an attack on oil depots is imminent to give humans time to evacuate then unleash hell's fury.

  3. 735-This particular drone is built to fly, specifically and only in international airspace.

    1. How does it get to this international air space 8:20? Aircraft carrier maybe, but it has to fly to land on one

  4. He said, she said. Who will ever really know if the drone was in or out of international airspace. If our military wanted to coax Iran into this skirmish, since the MSM didn't believe that the Iranian's bombed those tankers despite video evidence, that would be an easy way to do it.
    The cat and mouse happens all the time in and around the Bering Straight and Sea of Japan and Indonesia.
    Maybe Iran blinked now the full force and furry of a 100 cruise missiles will be visiting Tehran soon.
    I just want us to dismantle their nuclear facilitates. No human casualties - just cripple their plutonium production.

  5. Send them a bill. They can afford it.
    Globalists want a war for the $$, the destabilization of the region, to rile militant Muslims worldwide, and to put blame, any blame, on Trump and the U.S.

  6. We have been at war for almost 20 years in the middle east what is new.

  7. All tonme sounds like the same smoke and mirrors used to draw us into the Iraq quagmire. Dont fall for the bull folks

  8. Nuclear annihilation in three, two, one...

  9. Sad part is we can’t trust the U.S. media (mouthpiece for the MIC), anymore than we can trust the Iranians.

    I’m going to go with the contrarian viewpoint and argue that since the media is for retribution, maybe we shouldn’t pick another senseless fight in the Middle East. What good have we accomplished over there so far? We’ve replaced evil dictators with Muslim fanatics. Very helpful ... NOT!

  10. YET ANOTHER >>> ACT OF WAR !!! Gone Unpunished !!

    A drone Still is a PLANE (weather Manned or Unmanned ) &
    is our Military plane , being SHOT Down by the Enemy !!!

    2 ships attacked & now our plane (in intl air space -Legal)

    What the Hell does it take these days to DECLARE WAR ????

    do we wait until they come here ??? Fkkkkg IDIOTS !!!!!

    I guess Next > they will sink Our Navy Ships Unpunished !!!! as usual

  11. We need Govt with Balls like in WW2 !!! POTUS Rosevelt !!!

    I can see him now DECLARING WAR ON IRAN !!!!

  12. Northwest Woodsman: An act of war! There was a time when we had the courage to react appropriately when such an act was committed. I’m afraid that in consideration for all the snowflakes, we will just bluster about and no real action will be taken. As I have said in past comments, if we had a country full of citizens like we have now, we would not exist. Being sensitive to our enemies only emboldens then because they see it as weakness. I agree. We may have a strong and capable military, however we do not have the will to use it appropriately. Been in everlasting “sensitive” wars in which we sacrificed lives but had no plan or will to win. Thirty months as a recon aviator in Vietnam made me realize that the leadership, both military and political, find it as easy to sacrifice lives as they do spending other people’s money. From my experience, Afghanistan is another Vietnam. Training and equipping third world people to support their countries central government, doesn’t work. They are concerned only with their village and their tribal members and their lives have no relationship whatsoever with a central government. No paved roads, no sewage systems, no sophisticated communications, no Costco, no Home Depot. Those people are not a reflection of ourselves and do not have the same priorities. Will we ever learn?

  13. Call the 509th, they are ready and trained to provide an appropriate response!

  14. USA needs to TAKE OUT Iran & Seria at the same time &
    get it over with !!!!

    We damn well CAN and Should do , just like IRAQ !!!!

    The Dummies there are Idiots, who should have watched
    how the Iraq War went >>>> USA WINS !!!

    Yet they are Not Civlized & don't care that THEY WILL LOOSE !!!

    Things just Have to be done , in the REAL World !!!!

  15. We?


    Who are you people? You identify yourselves with the US Government? Don’t you realize you (we) are the Government’s PROPERTY? What do you think the Birth Certificate is? The Government takes our money by force. It enforces in-Constitutional Statutory Law’s against us. It lies to us every day.

    Wake up.

    The world is in the death throes of this most evil government to ever exist.

    Stop worshipping evil

    1. Fellow travelers keep cheering

  16. The Drone should be treated Just as though it were a
    Manned aircraft > An Act of WAR !!!

    It is a USAF aircraft !!! Thank Obama & Kerry for all the
    $$$ they Gave Iran !!!

  17. Time to Launch some Cruise Missiles !!!! Try to shoot them
    down !!!! Ain't gonna Happen !!!!!

  18. The calm before the storm!

  19. Trump is just giving them enough rope to hang themselves
    and then he is going to let them have it !!! Fact

    Strike 3 & then they are OUT !!! next time !!!!

    Goodbye Iran !!! LOL

  20. That drone fell within 2 miles of Iran's shore, described as "corkscrewing in", or straight down.

    Now, tell me that's not Iranian airspace.

  21. 1:04 you don't treat an un-manned aircraft the same way you treat a manned aircraft. That's the ENTIRE POINT.

  22. No airspace is the Enemy's airspace (Iran)

    They are Not a Legitimate country > only a country held
    Hostage / Enslaved by a Evil Regime / Military just like in
    WW2 Nazi Held Germany !!!

    These so-called Countrys in the world should be declared
    Not Soveriegn / Not a country until they are FREED from
    their Dictators / Evil Regimes !!!! They are just Enslaved
    areas of the world . No Evil can be called a country !!!!


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