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Friday, June 07, 2019

Illegal Immigration Soars to Clinton Levels, 1M Illegals Expected this Year

Illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border for last month surpassed every month of May under the Bush and Obama administrations, taking the U.S. back to a level of border crossings not seen since President Bill Clinton.

As Breitbart News reported, more than 132,000 apprehensions were made in May by U.S. Border Patrol on the southern border. This is a two-decade record high for illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border in May.

Not since May 2000 has the country seen this level of illegal immigration heading into the summer. In May 2000, more than 166,000 border apprehensions were made at the southern border. Clinton was president at the time.



  1. Laws need to be passed to STOP this damn shhhhhht !!!!

    America is wide open for Ruin !!!! WAke up Americans !!!

  2. What is so hard about > Just Turn them Back around &
    Back to the other side of the fence/wall as soon as they come ???? No Benefits No Housing No America !!!!

    Make Demon-crats Pay the Bill they have been ringing up
    on American Taxpayers & the ILLEGAL immigration WILL
    then Soon STOP.......You can bet on that !!!!!

  3. It is Now at PELOSI LEVELS !!!!! Fact LOL LOL

  4. I don't think that we ever again want anything that rises to Clinton levels because it almost always is related to a crime committed by a Clinton.

  5. Poor people are trying desperately to escape the heat of Central America.
    Have you heard about this years' all time temperature records broken down there?

    1. So that is a good reason to come here illegally? When it is too cold try entering their country illegally and see if you are ever heard from again

  6. NO EXCUSE for accepting ILLEGALS & allowing them to STAY !!! PERIOD

    On top on that WAISTING OUR taxpayer $$$$$$$$$$$

    That damn $$$$ could be going to Social Security for US !!!

    Make the damn Dems pay back that $$$$ + the 30 mil
    they waisted going after POTUS !!!!


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