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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Worcester County State's Attorney Office Press Release 5-9-19 (Nathan Smith)


  1. You shoot someone trying to rob them and then try to run them over with your car when they are limping away and you get 15 years with all but time served suspended. You know I'm starting to think the snowflakes are right that we don't need cops. What is the point with IDIOT JUDGES ON THE BENCH!!!

  2. Everyone should be prepared to protect themselves with this kind of justice being doled out from liberal judges

  3. 11:59 and 8:35 - Don't necessarily blame the judge. What was the State's recommendation on sentencing? Perhaps this sentence was part of the plea bargain. It appears that he entered an "Alford" plea, meaning that he maintained his innocence, but admitted that there was sufficient evidence to convict.

  4. I posted the 8:35 comment and still support it. He doesn't have to admit anything, but he did admit there was sufficient evidence to convict him, enough said about that. When was the law passed that states you must admit your guilt to be reasonably punished ?


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