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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Some House members want pay raise -- while others fear political cost

After a decade without a pay raise, a handful of House members are considering accepting an annual automatic wage hike, but most lawmakers are worried about the politics of looking out of touch with voters not making six figures.

“It would be as popular as the plague," Rep. Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., said. "It would show kind of a disconnect with the people."

This year's estimated pay hike of around $4,000 is part of a 1989 reform measure that stipulated Congress members would shun outside speaking engagements in favor of a large pay hike and the annual pay increase – based on inflation. It was supported at the time by then Rep. Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.

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  1. Earn your keep, first.

  2. Sorry, Obama gave your pay raises for the next 200 years to the Iranians on a pallet full of cash. And what exactly do you need a raise for?! You should be perfectly content with the ludicrous amount of money you receive for such piss poor performance. Truth is, none of you have EVER done a hard day's work in your entire lives.

  3. With what is going on they should be making less for poor performance and not following the will of the people but their own personal opinions and "feelings" on the issues facing this nation! With all the perks they receive their pay is more like a quarter million a year!!

  4. It is true,,, crime pays

  5. Actually a cut in pay would be more in order

  6. Social Security needs pay raises. This $4000 would help a lot of Seniors to survive their last years. Why is Supplemental Security Income taken from regular Social Security Insurance fund to give to the lazy welfare beggars. These crooks in Congress need a $4000 reduction in salary and benefits since they don't do their job and screw the ones that elected them severely.


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