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Thursday, May 09, 2019

FBI Fights to Keep Leaker Comey’s ‘Trump Memos’ Secret

The battle for fired FBI Director James Comey’s ‘Trump memos’ escalated Tuesday.

The FBI argued in a new court filing Tuesday that the release of Mueller’s report “does not alter the FBI’s position with regard to the remaining redactions in the Comey Memos.”

In other words, the FBI is still blocking the release of leaker Comey’s Trump memos.


In late March, US District Judge James Boasberg in Washington (also a FISA judge) ordered the FBI to turn over Comey’s ‘Trump memos’ — both clean and redacted versions by April 1st as he weighed releasing them to the public.

The FBI previously pushed back on March 1st and wrote to Judge Boasberg, an Obama appointee, saying that the memos were still redacted and classified and should remain under seal to avoid interfering with Mueller’s inquisition — Mueller’s witch hunt ended last month so the judge asked the FBI to file an opinion about the release of Comey’s memos.



  1. fbi still can't be trusted

  2. Whoever is fighting needs to be fired.

  3. How about this,, shut them down, they are useless crooks


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