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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Meteorologist Snaps at Viewers as Tornado Warning Interrupts ‘The Bachelorette’

A meteorologist for Fox 45 in Dayton, Ohio snapped at viewers who complained on social media about a tornado warning that interrupted Monday night’s broadcast of “The Bachelorette,” saying that the cutaway was due to a “dangerous situation.”

“I was just checking social media, we have viewers complaining already. ‘Just go back to the show.’ No, we’re not going back to the show, folks. This is a dangerous situation, okay,” Jamie Simpson said during the live broadcast.

Simpson scolded viewers who cared more about who Hannah Brown would give the next rose to than to a dangerous weather situation, which caused massive damage to the region.

“Think about if this was your neighborhood. I’m sick and tired of people complaining about this,” Simpson said. “Our job here is to keep people safe, and that is what we’re going to do. Some of you complained that this is all about my ego. Stop. It’s not. I’m done with you people, I really am, this is pathetic.”

More/video here


  1. F' em, if they are that self centered, just like the residence of SBY then let them die at the hand of a storm they might have been able to seek refuge from... Stupid is as stupid does, hows that bachelor working out for you????

  2. The local news should should report these dangers , however I find it so screwed up that the weather station continues to post that millions are at risk everyday. Today it was 80,000,000 people . Drama station , the weather station .
    Over a million people die each year from auto accidents , the average for weather related accidents is less than a hundred a year.
    The weather people have accidents , but only in their pants .

  3. If you are more concerned about a TV show than the safety of your fellow humans, YOU might be the problem!

    1. So true, how self centered and self absorbed can you be? Must be domocrats!

  4. The current US auto related death toll annually is about 35,000. Too many,yes but not a million. Down from 50,000 plus before air bags, seat belt awareness, etc. Our (known) population is almost double what it was in 1960 so that's a significant decline in percentage.
    World wide the auto death toll is over a million but have you seen the way they drive in some countries? Go on youtube, it will amaze you.


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