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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Report on Chesapeake Bay clean-up effort: States not on track

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A new Chesapeake Bay Foundation report examining the state of the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint found good and bad news.

The report claims that no state is completely on track to meet the 2025 goal to restore water quality, but Virginia and Maryland are close to being on track. Pennsylvania, however, never met its nitrogen reduction targets and its current plan to achieve the 2025 goal is woefully inadequate, detailing only two-thirds of actions necessary to achieve its goal.

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and that is also true for the partnership working to restore water quality across the region,” CBF President William C. Baker said. “Today, unfortunately, Pennsylvania’s link is not only weak, it is broken.”

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation assessed Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia’s milestone progress and whether or not states are implementing the pollution-reduction commitments they made. Together, those three states are responsible for 90 percent of the pollution fouling the Bay and its rivers and streams.



  1. They should suck a few dozen truckloads of that sludge up from the conowingo dam and dump it in front of the governor's house.

  2. Billions over 50 years and we are never on track. it is not about being on track it is about supporting the Chesapeake Bay foundation

    1. Chesapeake Bay foundation will never classify the bay as healthy

  3. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation will never, under any circumstances, admit any substantial improvement in the health of the bay. Even if the bay were 100% clean they would never admit it. To do so would mean they would lose their grants and jobs. Follow the money.

  4. Chesapeake Bay clean-up is the biggest scam in our history.

  5. Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a bunch of crooks. Trump was correct in cutting back fed funding. Do some research on their net worth and check out their financial statements they are as bad as the Southern poverty law center.

  6. 10:37 doesn't exactly work like that bud. There are these people called scientists. They collect this thing called data. The best part about collecting data on natural resources is that it can be viewed in real time! Wow imagine that! You'll all cry until the water is too polluted to fish and people stop rolling through your sh**hole town to get to OC.

  7. Hey 12:14 ,
    Ever hear of lies and BS , of course not , scientist don't lie they tell the truth for $$$ just like CNN. You get they J.D. Power award , anyway who the hell is J.D. Power? I know he is a fiction character helping to advertise things , you idiot.

  8. I no longer trust scientists not to lie, or the fbi, or the i.r.s. or any democrat

  9. time to turn in my maryland bay tags since it's apparent the money I am donating is subsidizing those fat asses up in Pennsylvania who are nothing but lazy welfare cases! Pumping their crap down the river to us! how about we damn the Susquehanna and let them drown in their pollution!


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