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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Impeach Trump or Go Home, Liberals

When House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler and Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that the United States had been plunged into a “constitutional crisis,” a large swath of the media took to plying this fantasy for them.

“Ever wonder what a constitutional crisis looks like? Well, open your eyes,” CNN’s Don Lemon explained to his viewers. “The president of the United States is just blowing right through our system of checks and balances, the very thing that is supposed to keep our Congress, the judiciary, and the executive branch working, which means our country working.”

None of this is remotely true. Our checks and balances are working exactly as they should.



  1. Lemon's making so much money that he'll say anything, over and over, if that's what the script calls for.

  2. NO...The headline should read "Impeach Trump or get the hell out of the US you stupid bunch of liberal dumbocraps"

  3. Constitutional crisis?!? We just heard Robert Mueller get up on stage and unload a pile of BS for the media to pick up and spin into turd yarn. He can't say Trump commit a crime because he can't indict??? I seem to remember Ken Starr running down a list of criminal activity including obstruction, witness tampering, perjury and more for Bill Clinton, even though he couldn't indict and had to let congress impeach which they did. Now THAT is a constitutional crisis! The REAL reason he can't tell you is because no crime was committed. Then he says I can't say he DIDN'T commit a crime. In what case could an investigator ever say I can't prove he did it but I cant prove he didn't do it?! This is complete insanity!!! They claim a few Russian trolls putting Memes on Facebook is an attack on our elections and they act like we should be enraged to the point of war but how many foreign elections have we mettled in with puppet candidates, CIA mass manipulation and murder! Russia didn't change the vote. We have too many lies coming from our own media to say the Russians tampered with an election by telling us TRUTH about Hillary Clinton. As for Trump's involvement the only thing that has ever tied him to Russia ENLIGHTENING the American public was a work of fiction conjured up by crooked Hillary Clinton herself. This is why the elites are happy to let the public education system go down the drain. The more ignorant you are the more likely you are to believe whatever the box in the living room tells you.

  4. I guess this means that Trump is really above the law.
    Lets party

  5. Democrats are just dreaming when it comes to impeaching Trump, It ain't gonna happen. Sorta like a dream I had last night about getting a hummer, it just ain't gonna happen.


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