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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

DHS Fast-Tracks Migrants Straight into Jobs

The Department of Homeland Security has put hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants on a fast-track to jobs and a slow-track to deportation.

The revelation was hidden in a brief statement by acting DHS secretary Kevin McAleenan, who told the Senate on May 23 hearing that 100 percent of migrants carrying children are released, some without asking for asylum, and are allowed to get work permits as soon as 30 days.

The DHS is releasing the migrants on the fast-track process “because they do not have the space” to detain migrants long enough to start the deportation process, said Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge who works at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, DC-based research. Congress will not fund shelters to hold more than 2,500 migrants with children, so it is allowing the border agencies to be overwhelmed by the rush of migrants.

More here


  1. No room. What a laugh. Plenty of room 6 ft under

  2. So congress is blocking shelters to hold migrants just to overwhelm DHS agents so more migrants can get in hoping they will vote Democrat. They block the wall, they block a military presents and they block deportation. So basically they are getting their open borders. How are we winning again?

  3. Shoot and they'll get the message not to come here, then we won't have all the stupid problems we are experiencing right now.

  4. Some of those could be the babysitters needed at the border. Something like a GS-8, with benefits.


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