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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Border Patrol seeks babysitters to care for illegal immigrants so agents can return to field

The Border Patrol says it’s looking to create a new category of job that would take babysitting duties out of the hands of agents and give them over to support personnel, freeing the agents to return to the front lines patrolling the border.

The agency says it’ll be 2020 before they are ready to ramp up, and they have no sense for how many people they’ll need, what the training will look like or whether they’ll be able to find enough applicants.

But they revealed the outlines of the plan Tuesday, saying they wanted to be transparent about where they’re hoping to go, if they get approval and money.

It’s the latest in a series of moves intended to try to find something that can change the dynamics of the ongoing border surge.

“Border Patrol Processing Coordinators will take on processing, transportation, and custody responsibilities, which will free up agents for critical law enforcement operations,” said Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost.

More here


  1. Send them to Maxine and Nancy's 3 Homes.

  2. Maxine and Nancy should be first in line for that job since they want them here so bad

  3. What the hell is the problem, there ought to be plenty of women who could use the extra money taking care of kids. But then of course I guess we are dealing with the government and everything takes 10 times as long and costs 10 times as much. Common sense just ain't common anymore.

  4. Put em in a box and ship em back

  5. All those on EBT and Welfare assistance should be sent to baby sit them


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