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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Viewer Writes **Electoral College**

I'm sure the majority of Conservatives who visit this blog, know why we have the Electoral College.

The states determined this concept so they each had equal representation in the voting process.

All states have representatives in Congress from all those states , because of this Electoral Concept.

Those states....like Delaware and potentially Maryland soon, want to do away with the Electoral College.

Well than ,
President Trump should fire those State representatives in Congress due to the fact....their State is not represented now as result of forfeiture of the Electoral College

Bet your butt, once President Trump announces he needs to terminate those reps....the idiot Demoncrats will stop this bull crap.


  1. They are trying to load the country with illegal immigrants to tip the scales to the dems but I bet if you make this election about abortion and the gay agenda they will be in for a grande sorpresa.

  2. There is no depth to their ignorance, arrogance and bigotry that allow for forgiveness and oen discussion.

  3. Make this election about abortion and Trump will lose. Most voters support some form of abortion.

  4. Interesting concept; however, the president cannot "fire" any elected official, not even a local sheriff. Now taking away those states electoral college votes (not the electors) altogether might be feasible. Just give those states no say at all, if they don't follow the electoral college process laid out in the constitution.

    1. Constitution actually leaves it up to state legislatures, so once they approve of something, can’t take it away at federal level

  5. May 29, 2019 at 12:09 PM:

    Not "some form," rather in some cases. And Trump does too. And so do I. But abortion, as a right, in all cases, including partial birth (and post birth) killing of babies, is deplorable, unconscionable, and clearly should be illegal. The American people are smart enough to know that the left has taken the meaning of Roe v Wade too far. It was never meant to allow women to kill their viable babies for convenience, either financial, or emotional. No, you are wrong to think Trump would lose if he supports the protection of the unborn. And you are morally wrong for believing women should have the right to decide her baby's fate right up to the point of birth.

  6. 12:09 I agree with you and I'm a Christian and a conservative.

  7. I am confused about the electoral college and trump can someone explain further

  8. 12:09 I agree with you and I'm a Christian and a conservative.

    May 29, 2019 at 2:06 PM:

    Well go ahead and kill your babies then. You probably would not be a good parent, and your children wouldn't make good people. And you certainly are not a good Christian. Your should be ashamed for saying you are one. Go confess to your minister that you condone the killing of babies in partial birth abortions, just for a woman's convenience, and ask for his forgiveness. I don't know any Christian church that would support your opinion. But hey, everybody has one right? Even me.


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