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Monday, May 06, 2019

Biden's son under scrutiny for helping China spy on Muslims

The son of Democrat presidential front-runner Joe Biden is under scrutiny for allegedly investing in a surveillance app used to spy on Muslims in China.

Hunter Biden, son of the 2020 hopeful, backed an investment firm that designed the spying apparatus, according to a new report released a day after the Trump administration criticized China for mass detention of Muslims.

The new information surfaced Saturday as the former vice president has come under scrutiny over his son's business ties to the Ukraine.

Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings, during the time when the Obama administration was looking to take actions against Russia for invading Eastern Ukraine.

More here


  1. Stay on the remaining Biden evidently Joe & Hunter both sex offenders, one trying to claim his deceased brothers wife and casting off his own wife. Real class just like Dad. Wonder what Jill is really thinking these days?

  2. China does not care about Muslims. They have no patents or technology to steal and they are not migrating there.


  3. Joe has had a pass from MSM for eons, and has schemed to enrich his son, who in turn can help out the old man if he's short a couple of bucks. But the details are going to see daylight and Joe will circle the drain.


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