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Monday, May 06, 2019

Ilhan Omar And Rashida Tlaib Attack Israel, Defend Palestinian Terror Attacks

Far-left Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked Israel on Sunday and defended the Palestinian terrorist attacks that targeted Israel over the weekend.

The Jerusalem Post reported that approximately 700 rockets were fired at Israel from Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip and that the Iron Dome intercepted approximately 173 of the rockets.

"Terror groups Hamas and Islamic jihad in Gaza have fired over 700 rockets at Israel since Friday, killing four Israelis and wounding dozens," The Jerusalem Post reported, adding: "Defiant Hamas and Islamic Jihad officials said on Sunday that they don’t rule out the possibility that the current round of fighting in the Gaza Strip could lead to an all-out war with Israel."

"The latest round of violence began two days ago when an Islamic Jihad sniper fired at Israeli troops, wounding two soldiers," Reuters reported.

Omar and Tlaib, who are both well-documented anti-Semites, rushed to attack Israel and defended the terrorism that was being carried out against Israel.

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  1. Their days are numbered

  2. Does the FBI watch them or scrutinize their habits and activities or is that just for white American Heritage people. As much as they hate the USA don't tell me they're NOT up to something in the background.

    Concerned citizen

    1. Maybe the CIA or NSA are watching these American traitors. The fbi can't be trusted now

  3. These 2 are treasonous to Democracy and are not upholding the US interest.

  4. When they support terrorists, they become terrorists. Arrest them. Make use of that Patriot Act.

  5. These libtards think they are cool and progressive by electing these miscreants. What they don't realize is the slow creep of Islam into our society that will slit their throats the minute they get the chance.

  6. If they were White Supremacy activist they would be in jail under Domestic Terrorist. What is the difference except for the facts they are "women" and Radical Muslims?


  7. They're leaving an ugly stain on the Congress. Their constituents should be more careful next time.

  8. I feel they are responsible for the new terrorists attacks. Their angry comments add fuel to the attack on Isreal. Surprised they haven't blamed Trump.

  9. Dem Civil war is coming


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