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Monday, May 06, 2019

Biden claims he 'doesn't have time' to give details on his healthcare plan

Joe Biden won't give details on how he plans to offer a public healthcare option for Americans.

Throughout his tour of Iowa and South Carolina, Biden has repeatedly stressed how healthcare is now a "human right" and that he will help finish the job of Obamacare by creating the ability for Americans to buy into Medicare instead of relying on private health insurance.

In South Carolina, Biden spoke again about a Medicare buy-in program, but declined to point to a specific bill. He said in Iowa City last week: “I don’t have time; I don’t want to keep you standing any longer.”

More here


  1. I doubt you dumb-asses will remember, but remember how and what eh says on this... And remember Nancy Paloci and what she said, you have to pass it to see whats in it...

    1. "dumb asses" ?? I remember and I'm sure thousands of other people remember hearing "pelosi" that's right p-e-l-o-s-i make her spiel on American care act that hussein obama proposed and got passed. So what's your education level there 12:31

  2. Republicans have had 10 years, Trump has had at least 2. Where are their plans except to repeal?

  3. Gosh, how about writing down the high points and providing handouts. That wouldn't be hard IF HE ACTUALLY HAD A PLAN!

  4. Biden and the Democrats is waiting on Pres Trump to layout his and the Republican plan so they can present the opposite and say it is their plan.

  5. That's because he has a damn good one on our dime.

  6. Another crock like the obuma fiasco called obuma care.

  7. Biden has been in Politics 50 years

    and now he says he cannot make a change?


  8. Slow Joe's program will cover scented shampoo and hair plugs. Margaret Thatcher told him it was a winner with British voters.

  9. Biden is just an old politician that doesn't know when to quit. He's pathetic. Really. He has no chance against Trump, and yet he runs. He is the epitome of the DC swamp. A master of good old boy corruption and back room deals. Like the others, never walk away from the power,try to die with the gavel in their hands.


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