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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Abortion Debate Shows How Media Deploys Language Gymnastics to Serve Left-Wing Goals

“Pregnancy Kills. Abortion Saves Lives.”

That was the headline on an absurd opinion article in The New York Times, deploying Orwellian language to turn the abortion debate on pro-lifers and comfort those who support abortion on demand.

While the conversation over Alabama’s new abortion law has drawn out some wild arguments from the left, it’s easy to miss the less obvious ways the media reinforce the pro-abortion side.

The media, cleverly and often subtly, use rhetorical adjustments to reinforce left-wing ideas under the guise of objectivity.



  1. And it also shows how stupid you all are for not seeing it to begin with...

  2. Turn on a TV MUELLER TO SPEAK IN 5

  3. Let's stop calling it "pro-Choice" - in reality, it's "pro-Eugenics"

  4. Of course it's Eugenics. The idea is to purge the gene pool of the corporately
    indulgent of the flesh and their preoccupation with pleasure and the ill realized gotten of their gains or lack their of and have conscious practical and planned pregnancies by educated people of means that can proffer futures for them. Yeah boohoo it's the human and Christian directive to multiply but we should have greater directives than anyone with a pulse and womb pooping out more life.

  5. It's called newspeak.


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