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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Where will you be November 3, 2020?


  1. I will be on top of the mountain I purchased , with all I need to survive the up and coming civil war , bring it! WV rocks!

  2. I will be voting for the MAGA man again; four more years!

  3. I'll be in the voting booth voting for our current President, Donald J. TRUMP!

  4. This election will be the most crooked on record , due to the illegals voting.
    Trump will lose by a landslide , be prepared to fight this war.

  5. The democrats are in charge now , it looks very bad and will be very bad for the republic .

  6. The house has approx. 120 females , 100 which are democrats , we are in severe trouble , females without brains will make stupid decisions as usual .

  7. If you don't put that WALL up you've talked about since 2016 you might not get re-elected!

  8. they will cheat in any way they can to win. That's why blue states are changing the rules to go from Electoral votes to popular vote. Its UNConstitutional and needs to be challenged in the courts. By any means necessary~Nancy Pelosi

  9. I will be in a booth exercising my constitutional right to vote out that imbecile currently occupying the white house.

    Ok, let the insults begin. By the way, I'm a woman in case any of you toothless shorebillies want to throw the c word around. Because that's how Trump supporters defend their point of view.

    1. Oh look Lucy Lefty. Immediately insinuates she will be insulted then proceeds to insult other people🤦‍♀️

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Please 11:43, tell me how you can be so misinformed, misguided and ignorant of the issues facing our country and the Marxist democrat politicians inability to understand the damage they are causing. I’m 77 YOA and in my lifetime, I have never experienced such hatred and division of our citizens. The only answer is that this is a purposeful operation by the marxists to destroy what is left of my country and “ fundamentally change” us into a third world state that they believe they can control and exploit. Do you not know that you will be the first ones to suffer a terrible fate of which you can’t imagine. I truly feel,sorry for you.

    1. If you think that buffoon in the white house cares about what happens to you or me, you are sadly mistaken . Soon you will find out. And then maybe we can salvage what's left of our country.

    2. 3:32 Please name 1 fn politician that gives a shit about any of us🤦‍♀️ No need to name just Trump because if you think for a second that any other politician gives a crap about you then you are about as delusional as they come. And yea not sure why you think it matters but I’m a woman too and your ignorance is astounding.

  11. I too will be voting for President Trump, another 10 years with this man in office would be a God send!

    1. Yea well you might get your wish. Have you read Revelations?

  12. Standing in line attempting to re elect the greatest POTUS ever.

  13. Not gonna get the wall that Mexico is not gonna pay for. Not gonna get that "better and cheaper" health care he promised.. oh, that's right... you'll have to wait for that promise to be broken again after another election.

    OH yea... promise to cancel funding for sanctuary cities. Broken.

    Promise to establish a commission on radical Islam. Never did.

    How about ending birthright citizenship, or mandatory minimums on criminals entering the country illegally, or defund planned parenthood, or invest $550 billion in infrastructure, or enact term limits, or impose death penalty for cop killers, or appoint special prosecuter for Hillary Clinton, OH and make no cuts to Social Security, eliminate common core, put a hiring freeze on federal employees, put a lifetime ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections, open up libel laws against the media, build a safe zone for Syrian refugees while also removing existing refugees, bring back waterboarding, change vaccine schedules for children, allow people to deduct health care premiums from their taxes, put a ban on Muslims entering the country, declare China a currency manipulator, NOT take vacations, create tax credits for child care and elderly care, cut the number of tax brakets, repeal the alternative minimum tax, balance the federal budget "fairly quickly"? Nope, promised all of it, did none of it.

    It's almost like he's just telling you what you want to hear, doesn't it? And there is so much if the good feels from hearing what you like (confirmation bias much?) that you can't see the forest for the trees.

  14. 9:50 Oh yes because all the other Presidents before him did EVERYTHING they promised right?? You’re not biased much are you? 🙄 He’s fulfilled more promises than Obama did in 8 years. He still your President. And the way the Democratic Party is going he’s going to be your President for another 4 years. Did I send you into therapy yet? 😂😂

  15. @ April 15, 2019 at 10:35 AM

    Wrong again.

    Here are the stats on Promises kept by both Obama and Trump in their first two years.

    Obama: 26%
    Trump: 17%

    Obama: 8%
    Trump: 11%

    Obama: 7%
    Trump: 18%

    Obama: 44%
    Trump: 27%

    Obama: 15%
    Trump: 27%

    The shocking thing, is that even when presented with evidence and facts, you'll still be too concerned with being snarky and snide than actually being right.

    For the record I'm a conservative and my opinion is that our President is an embarrassment.
    No, I don't like Obama or his policies, but I DO care about facts. Trump, cares about one thing and one thing only, and that is himself.

    Did I send you to therapy yet?

  16. I will be putting Trump back in office.


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