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Sunday, April 14, 2019

A pregnant mother was cited by police after her 3-year-old urinated in a parking lot

RICHMOND COUNTY, GA (WRDW/WAGT) -- Potty training can be a stressful time for any parent, but what happened to a Beech Island woman with her 3-year-old son is next level stress.

So, let’s talk about little Cohen Johns. Cohen is about to be a big brother. His sister is due next month, and his mother, Brooke Johns, has been told to take it easy.

“And he’s heavy,” Brooke said of Cohen.

Last week, Brooke was driving down Sandbar Ferry Road when the little voice in the backseat said he had a big problem.

“He's like, 'Mom, I've got to pee. I've got to pee!' I was like, 'Well, hold on,' and he's like, 'No! I've GOT to pee! I've got to REALLY pee.' And I'm like, 'Baby, there's nowhere for me to go, and he says, 'Momma, I'm about to pee in my pants!" Brooke said.

Brooke said they barely made it to a gas station parking lot before she realized they wouldn’t be able to make it inside.

“I can’t pick him up,” Brooke said. “You know, I’m not supposed to lift him.”



  1. Good. Public indecency.

  2. That's an A-hole officer. Little ones don't wait, period; when they gotta go, they gotta go, no matter where. She tried but the little guy just couldn't hold it any longer.

  3. You can sh*t on the sidewalks in San Francisco but a 3 year-old can't pee in public.

  4. Sounds like some of our overzealous impractical LE

  5. @1:06 Self immolate, idiot.

  6. Well my mom used to like to tell the story of when I was a little boy, and she would take us kids to the beach almost every day during the summer, and she heard some people under the umbrella next to hers talking and laughing about "look at that little boy." My mom looks at what they were laughing and talking about, and it was ME, standing on top of the lifeguard stand, peeing in the wind, in front of God and everybody else that cared to look. My mom was so embarrassed that she didn't acknowledge I was her kid (I was the youngest of three), and just waited for me to come back to our umbrella when I was done "playing." I was probably about four years old when that happened. No cops called. No charges for indecency. Just the good old days when little boys could pretty much pee anywhere outdoors without offending anybody, and little girls could run around with no tops on at the beach. Wow, times sure have changed...for the worst. Kids aren't allowed to be innocent kids anymore. Holding kids and their parents to adult standards, now THAT'S criminal.

  7. Must of been a Demacrap that saw it and called the police. Mad because his was bigger.

  8. The policeman needs to be suspended for a day. This is not what the police are for. The mother had no choice. She would have never made it to the bathroom.

  9. Be honest. How many of you (men) have surreptitiously peed in a parking lot or in your own driveway when you just could not hold it anymore? Those who have had prostate surgery need not answer - we already know that you do.

  10. Just another example of this officer got the job through connections. But that's fine. If this is his big collar of his career. He won't last long.

  11. While urinating in public may be seen as an act of necessity in some situations, it could result in a criminal charge in Georgia. Falling under the category of disorderly conduct, public urination carries a number of penalties and could mean you are stuck with a criminal record.

    So, arrest the kid. It's for sure that he meant to be disorderly and expose himself to others.

  12. Throw the cop in jail for this. 3 months should do it.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Be honest. How many of you (men) have surreptitiously peed in a parking lot or in your own driveway when you just could not hold it anymore? Those who have had prostate surgery need not answer - we already know that you do.

    April 9, 2019 at 5:48 PM

    That's what I came here to say. You gotta go... Sometimes I am like that little boy. Sometimes I can't even make it out of my vehicle before I start "leaking". I'm not trying to offend anyone but if I have to I will hoss it out and let fly. Better than going in my pants. And if some pantywaist has a mental breakdown over it, oh well.

  14. How many dogs have peed in that same parking lot! Why is that not against the law? If you are offended by the sight of a 3 year old peeing there is something wrong with you!

    I'm glad she is taking this to court. I can only help her water breaks while she was there and she soaks the officers shoes!

  15. How many of you want to walk through pee at Walmart's parking lot (or in most of your cases, your local bar's parking lot). It's disgusting and filthy. A lot of you are showing your trashiness. Good job.

  16. How many of you want to walk through pee at Walmart's parking lot (or in most of your cases, your local bar's parking lot). It's disgusting and filthy. A lot of you are showing your trashiness. Good job.

    April 10, 2019 at 8:16 AM:

    What a freaking prude! It's a bodily function. What are you, some kind of Quaker? You pee every day, just like every other human. Nothing like a prude that thinks its alright to criminalize human bodily functions. You don't see that kind of attitude in Europe, where normal people view bodily functions as...well, normal. Do you get disgusted with yourself everytime you pee? I guess you would pee in your pants before you would pee outside in a parking lot, or in the woods for that matter. You have some very serious hangups. How badly did your parents beat you for peeing outside? And you do know that some (many) people have medical issues that cause an unbearable urge to urinate. There is not time to find a restroom and the only other choice is to wet their pants. I'm sure, somehow, that you would think it is fine to humiliate those people with your prudish ideas and opinions. You are no better than the "trashiness" that disgusts you. Good job! At what, I don't know.

    By the way, you are very uneducated about the harm in urine. It is one of the cleanest, most filtered bodily fluids that is discharged from the human body. One can drink it without any harmful effects (not that I would do it). You really show your ignorance by your disgust and lack of knowledge by calling it filthy.


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