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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Judge Napolitano: ‘Julian Assange Is A Hero’

Hero. Traitor. Crusader. Criminal. Journalist. Rogue. The many conflicting words people use in reference to the enigmatic Wikileaks founder Julian Assange are legion. Following his forced removal from the Ecuadorian embassy in the U.K., people from all corners of the media have either rejoiced with contemptuous schadenfreude or mourned in regretful sorrow.

Over at Fox News, Judge Andrew Napolitano openly hailed the Wikileaks founder a "hero" for using his organization to publish information the "world had the right to see."

"I have to tell you, in my opinion, Julian Assange is a hero," said Napolitano on "Fox & Friends." "What he published was truthful information that the American public and the world had the right to see."



  1. He's a hero in my book, too.

  2. He is he exposed Obama.

  3. I hope he survives his incarceration by the Brits....

  4. He's a hacker TURD did all that too feed his own ego did not care about America or Democracy it was like TMZ or the Inquirer . What has come of it ? DO or MAKE something real that proffers jobs etc. We already knew about all the corruption and dirty dealings it has been going on for years.

    1. So your ok with the government breaking the law, but the guy who exposes it is the criminal.

  5. Anyone who exposes a tyrannical government is a hero

    The US government is the most dangerous on the planet

  6. Yes, he's someone not afraid to blow the whistle on the deep state. I recommend a medal not jail time

  7. Absolute HERO...and he has much more to tell us.

  8. Look for a suiside getting ready to happen

  9. You people could not even spell his name or know where he comes from.

  10. Anyone of you great patriots could have done the HACK yourselves. LOL.

  11. He has a lot of dirt on democrats and Seth Rich and hopefully will live long enough to tell all about it.

  12. I'm sure you all said the same thing when he released top secret intelligence documents related to the Iraq was leaked to him by " Chelsea Manning." No, wait, he was a traitor then because a Republican was in office, I forgot. Just like all the deficit hawks under Obama have suddenly vanished. Hypocrits........

  13. 2:13 We live in a Republic. Not a Democracy, REPUBLIC.


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