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Monday, April 22, 2019

Welcome for migrants cools in Mexican town weary of caravans

So many migrants have stopped in the southern Mexican town of Mapastepec in recent months that longstanding public sympathy for Central Americans traveling northward is starting to wane.

Hundreds of migrants have been camped out for weeks in Mapastepec, where locals say six migrant caravans have arrived since last Easter. By far the biggest was a group of thousands in October that drew the anger of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Ana Gabriela Galvan, a local resident who helped to provide food to migrants in the October caravan, told Reuters the small town in the impoverished state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala, felt overwhelmed by the number of Central Americans.

"It's really bad, because they're pouring onto our land," she said, noting that some locals were reluctant to leave their homes. "They ask for money, and if you offer food, they don't want it; they want money and sometimes you don't have any."


1 comment:

  1. If they had money to spend, some people wouldn't be complaining as much.


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