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Monday, April 22, 2019

Williams College Student Newspaper Endorses Racially Segregated Housing

Williams College’s student newspaper echoed a proposal by a student group called Coalition Against Racist Education Now (CARE Now), which called on the school to implement racially segregated housing in order to make the college “a more inclusive institution,” according to The Williams Record.

CARE Now had recently released a list of twelve demands in an open letter, which included calling on the school’s trustees to fulfill their “obligation to the well-being and safety of its students, faculty and staff” by separating minority students from the rest of the campus body in order “take steps toward becoming a more inclusive institution.”

“The College can work toward making the College a less harmful place for those of marginalized identities and to take steps toward becoming a more inclusive institution,” read the student newspaper, stressing the importance of looking toward “CARE Now’s leadership as we collectively examine how to combat institutional violence at the College.”

The student newspaper then attempted to justify its support for separating black students from white students via housing by claiming that minority students feel “tokenized” on campus, as there are too many white students within their immediate surroundings.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Great idea! One can only hope that it works so well that it will spread to all areas of society. Expulsion or segregation are the only answere to the problems we now face in our racial relationships. Pretty obvious that 54 years of social engineering, forced diversity and affirmative action have been a complete and expensive failure.

  2. Awesome, full circle after 50 years of integration. First they wanted to be bused into white schools, now they want to be segregated, what's next ?

  3. Do they want separate bathrooms and water fountains again as well?
    That would show a lot!

  4. This is hilarious. There are black colleges the poor sensitive snowflakes can attend.

  5. 10:39, I couldn't have said it better. 10:50, what's next is reparations, that's what. Because after all everything is about money.

  6. MLK is rolling in his grave!

  7. Absolutely what we need to go back to. Just look at who is always causing problems in the schools, let them beats up each other instead of the good white kids being prayed on.

  8. Just wait for them to ask to sit only in the back of the bus.


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