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Monday, April 22, 2019

Elizabeth Warren wants to cancel up to $50,000 in student debt for 42 million

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is unveiling a student loan forgiveness proposal she claims will cancel up to $50,000 of debt for more than 42 million Americans. That's in addition to her plan for free college tuition at two and four-year institutions.

Together, those initiatives would cost $1.25 trillion over a decade, according to her team, covered by her "ultra-millionare tax" — an annual 2 percent tax on wealth above $50 million and a 1 percent tax on wealth more than $1 billion.

The presidential Democratic candidate's plan claims it would assist more than 95 percent of Americans with student loans to pay off, and eliminate all debt of more than 75 percent of Americans.



  1. These liars will say anything to get stupid people to vote for them. Free College, or cancel college debt, Slave reparations, Free Health care for everyone, guaranteed income, if people are this stupid they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

  2. All she wants this for is their votes for president, which she'll never be let the "Fake Cherokee Indian" crawl back in her hole she dug for herself.

  3. So what about those of us who sacrificed and saved and managed to pay off the loans? I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

  4. Then she should take the money out of her own pocket.........not the taxpayers. What a dingbat.

  5. Socialism works great...until you run out of other peoples money.

  6. Where's that money coming from? Tax the crap out of the producers some more!
    No-Thanks Liawatha!

  7. 10:31 go cry about it? I saved to pay mine off too. That kind of mentality is stupid. "I had it this way therefore everyone should have to do it too wahhhhhh"

  8. It's not not not not free, taxpayers on the hook. I am so sick of this free shit I am ready to quit working, sell all I have and convert it to gold and then, see ya commies later. Oh, send me my food stamps, section 8 and don't forget my health insurance and welfare.
    Pure jackasses

  9. OK. Now the American Indian just got my vote.

    1. So you're more than happy to take other peoples hard earned money to pay for your poor decisons are you? Liberal Jackass.

  10. She might want to first look at how much student loan money has been spent on other things besides education. This proposal is a load of manure. The left feels that the promise of free stuff will get them elected.

  11. More pie in the sky.

  12. I bet her "ultra wealthy" threshold is just above her own..which is what...70 million?


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