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Sunday, April 28, 2019

UPDATED: Trump sues to block Democrats’ subpoena for financial information

Lawyers for President Trump on Monday sued to block a subpoena issued by members of Congress that sought the business magnate's financial records.

The complaint named Rep. Elijah Cummings, the Democratic chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Peter Kenny, the chief investigative counsel of the House committee, as its plaintiffs.

"We will not allow Congressional Presidential harassment to go unanswered," said Jay Sekulow, counsel to the president.

Earlier this month, Cummings, D-Md., said the committee would subpoena accounting firm Mazars USA LLC for Trump’s financial information. Cummings is seeking annual statements, periodic financial reports and independent auditors reports from Mazars, as well as records of communications with Trump.



EDITOR'S NOTE:  Is Cummings conspiring with the IRS again? The below article is from 2014

Hypocrite Elijah Cummings Conspired With IRS


  1. I voted for him and I want to see those returns. Nobody, nobody gets to line their pockets at the expense of our country.

    1. And I wanted to see Obama's original birth "certificate" and not a photo copy but that did not happen, it was blocked by the courts. What person does that unless there is something to hide?

    2. Oh please, give it a rest. Theres no use even arguing with someone as stupid as you

    3. Do you really think Trump needs the money. Take a good hard look at Hillary while Secretary of State pay to play. Now that's the paperwork I want to see.

    4. 11:43- Out for a morning Troll, I see!

  2. 11:43 You do know he legally doesn’t have to show them. I do however find it quite amusing that all of a sudden you’re concerned about politicians lining their pockets at the expense of the country😂l🤦‍♀️

  3. The voters deserve to see his tax returns

    1. 12:32 Why? I don’t. Why do you??

    2. 12:32- How do I deserve to view other's taxes? If there is a problem, I'm sure the IRS will catch it before you will. Keep running with the lemmings, see where it leads.

  4. Well 11:43, you may want to see returns from the senators and congressmen and women. After all isn't "lining your pockets at the expense of our country" the definition of congress and senate.

  5. I would like to see all the financial records of Mrs.(and Mr.) Pelosi. Then maybe we will see how they became millionaires on her paltry government salary. Quid pro quo, perhaps?

  6. 11:43...pleaseee! Like no other past president DIDN'T line their pockets? You are pathetic! And NO...he's not required to show them. Now take your vote and leave our country....

    1. Hello 1970s calling?

    2. 5:40- You calling Ford and Carter crooked? I don't recall. Are you stupid or something?

  7. Ooo sick burn 1:46. Does it offend you that another Trump voter can think for themselves?

  8. The majority needs to get its own House in order.


  9. 11:43 You do realize that the request is for tax returns while President Trump was a private citizen before he was elected to any office. Since he was sworn in he has donated ALL of his presidential pay to a variety of good causes. $400K per year IIRC.

    It's a fishing expedition. Bear in mind that due to his income over the years he was likely audited by IRS on a fairly regular basis. Obviously no issues were present or the Obama IRS would have leaked them like a sieve during the election of 2016.

  10. Lets see Pelosi / Schumer /Schiff / Cummings / Nadler

    & the rest of the Demon's Financials First !!!!

    esp Hillary , Obama !!!

  11. "I voted for him and I want to see those returns. Nobody, nobody gets to line their pockets at the expense of our country."

    Do you realize how stupid this statement is? Donald Trump's earnings are as private as YOURS *before* he became an elected official and therefore there is no income at the "expense of the cuntry". You obviously voted for him for (whatever) wrong reasons.

  12. So Trump is a billionaire; so are Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdock, George Soros, Warren Buffet, et.al. Do you want to see their tax returns? I know, they aren't president. Trump was a shrewd business man in every sense including taking advantage of tax laws that are available to everyone. I was in finance for 42 years and corporations are staffed with departments who find all the ways to shelter profits. Profits are reused for capital improvements, expansions, market share, advertising, and yes JOB creation. Capitalism is about competition and laissez-faire; Trump has been investigated by IRS ad nauseam...forget about it.

  13. I don't understand my own tax forms, I'm sure Trump's are a little more complicated.


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